Winter Edition of Prehistoric Times is on the Way

Long, dark nights, not much chance to go fossil hunting, but still plenty to look forward to as the winter edition of Prehistoric Times is on its way.  Prehistoric Times is the magazine for dinosaur model collectors and dinosaur enthusiasts.  It is packed full of news stories, articles about new models, dinosaur discoveries, artwork, just about everything and anything to do with the Dinosauria and other extinct creatures.

Winter Edition of Prehistoric Times

Picture Credit: Mike Fredericks/Everything Dinosaur

Visit Prehistoric Times: Prehistoric Times Magazine.

Prehistoric Times Magazine

This is the ninety-sixth edition of the magazine, it has been running for seventeen years and it does not look likely to go extinct.  The magazine is popular with dinosaur model collectors and fans of prehistoric animals, it has a worldwide readership.

Team members review each issue and to see prehistoric animal themed games and dinosaur toys, including models of animals often featured in Prehistoric Times: Everything Dinosaur.