Unique Everything Dinosaur Blog Featured in “Fifty Best Blogs for Palaeontology Students”
Everything Dinosaur Blog – One of the Fifty Best for Palaeontologists
The Everything Dinosaur web log, our little creation (not so little now with 1,200 articles), has been included in a list compiled by bachelorsdegree.org as one of the best places on the Internet to find information on palaeontology and related subjects.
We are very honoured to be awarded this accolade, one of many that have come our way since we started writing back in May 2007. Bachelor’s degree.org is an American based organisation that compiles information to help students work out which degree is best for them and supports a data-bank about on line colleges and other educational establishments that can help.
Everything Dinosaur
Working as a sort of “one stop shop” for degrees, Bachelor’s degree.org sets out to furnish students with the best information available on the range of degrees that on line institutions offer, in a recent blog post they focused on the Earth Sciences and nominated the Everything Dinosaur blog as a resource site for palaeontology students.
We were recommended as a website to visit:
“To read the latest palaeontology news and commentary on big issues in the field.”
The Everything Dinosaur web log aims to provide a resource for students, parents, teachers, scientists and dinosaur fans providing information on the latest discoveries and news. It is nice to know that our work is appreciated, with something approaching 150,000 page views each month we certainly have a popular web log.
Visit Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Everything Dinosaur.