Delicious Dinosaur Birthday Cake
Our thanks and best wishes to Athina and Peter who contacted Everything Dinosaur recently to ask advice when choosing some dinosaur and prehistoric animal models to feature on their grandson’s birthday cake. The grandparents emailed us to say thank you for our assistance and included a picture of the magnificent birthday cake that had been baked and decorated with dinosaurs in honour of young Luca’s birthday.
A Dinosaur Birthday Cake
What a Magnificent Dinosaur Birthday Cake!
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Athina commented:
“The cake was a big success, thanks for your help.”
What a wonderful cake! Team members at Everything Dinosaur are always intrigued to find out how our dinosaurs and prehistoric animals are used by our customers. One question remains, how are Athina and Peter going to top this wonderful confectionery creation when it comes to Luca’s 5th birthday?
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