Froglets spotted in the office pond!  Team members at Everything Dinosaur recorded several froglets around the margins of the small office pond.  The pond was built several years ago to help support local wildlife.  Frogs (Rana temporaria), have spawned in the pond since 2008.  Each year, we record the date of the laying of the first frogspawn.  In 2023, we recorded frogspawn in February (February 28th), for the first time.  This year, (2024) the first frogspawn was laid even earlier on February 18th.  Is this a sign of local climate change?

Froglets spotted in the office pond.

A pair of froglets spotted in the office pond. We have added red arrows to help you spot the tiny amphibians.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To read about the discovery of frogspawn on February 18th 2024: Frogspawn Spotted in our Office Pond!

Froglets Spotted and Plans in Place to Protect Them

We have tried to leave the pond alone over the last two months or so.  It does need a tidy up, but we have let nature take its course.  Plans are in place to develop lots of insect friendly habitats around the pond.  This will help local wildlife and hopefully provide plenty of food for the frogs and other creatures.  We hope to encourage more wildlife into the area.  Team members have plans to plant more bee-friendly flowers and to develop a small rockery that will provide plenty of cover for small animals.

Froglets spotted in office pond.

A tiny froglet in the office pond. It was spotted today along with several others. A red arrow has been added to the photograph to indicate the location of the froglet.  This year (2024) we recorded the first frogspawn on February 18th. This is the earliest time in the year that we have recorded frogspawn in the office pond. Now in the second week of June we have froglets emerging. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented that the pond had proven to be a haven for local wildlife.

He added:

“We have spotted damselflies, hoverflies and lots of honey bees.  The bees come down to the edge of the pond to get a drink.  We want to plant more flowers to help bees and other insects.  In addition, we have added stone-filled gabion baskets to provide extra habitats for insects and other small animals.”

The spokesperson also explained that they had used local stone to create a small rockery to help animals move easily from one part of the site to the office pond.

The Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys.