Sending Dinosaur Models to the European Union
Earlier this week, team members at Everything Dinosaur were notified of a discussion taking place on the Dinosaur Toy Forum about how Beasts of the Mesozoic models might reach customers in the European Union now that the UK had left the EU. We are happy to provide advice and technical assistance about sending dinosaur models to the EU.
Concerns had been raised by dinosaur fans and Beasts of the Mesozoic model collectors about whether items secured in the Kickstarter programme, such as new tyrannosaur figures could be despatched into the EU.

The Beasts of the Mesozoic Xenoceratops (background shot) a magnificent articulated dinosaur model in 1:18 scale.
Everything Dinosaur has been responsible for fulfilment operations on behalf of Creative Beast Studio, ensuring despatch of Kickstarter figures to the UK and the rest of Europe.
In response to these concerns, Everything Dinosaur posted up onto the forum the following information:
The UK officially left the European Union on 31st January 2020 (at 11pm CET), there then followed a transition period where nothing changed, giving all parties the time to adjust to the new trading arrangements, this ended on 31st December 2020. Since that date, Everything Dinosaur has offered a fully tracked and delivery duty paid (DDP) service for all our customers in the EU. Everything Dinosaur pays the duty for the customer.
We have also become members of the Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) scheme, which whilst not part of Brexit, is a European initiative to harmonise the payment of VAT across Europe. We are registered in Ireland for this purpose and by doing so we ensure that the VAT applied on all purchases is the correct amount for each European country and that VAT received is then submitted to that person’s national tax authority. All our customers can be assured that Everything Dinosaur has done all it can and continues to ensure compliance with international taxation laws.
Delivery Duty Paid (DDP)
When addressing the issue of delivery duty paid (DDP), the following information was supplied:
With regards to DDP deliveries, since the UK started its new relationship with the EU Everything Dinosaur has sent out thousands of parcels to customers – every single one DDP and with (as far as we know, as we have never received any comment about a customer of ours having to pay extra for a parcel), not a single problem.

The largest figures in wave 3 represent two of the largest horned dinosaurs known to science. Torosaurus latus (left) and Triceratops horridus (right). Everything Dinosaur was responsible for wave 3 fulfilment operations across the UK and Europe. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
EU 2019/1020 Market Surveillance Regulations
In addition to calming any fears about the sending of parcels into the EU, the statement also addressed new EU legislation concerning market surveillance stating:
We would also add that in July 2021 new EU legislation came into force – this is called EU 2019/1020 market surveillance regulations. It has come about due to the huge number of items being purchased by EU customers which originate from outside the EU. The Beasts of the Mesozoic range would be affected by this legislation – as would Nanmu Studio, ITOY Studio, W-Dragon and such like.
Unless someone in the supply chain takes responsibility for ensuring product safety such as CE accreditation within the EU then the sale of an item would be illegal and subject to being held up at the EU port of entry. We can assure all forum members, that as Everything Dinosaur is a responsible company and well aware of our obligations under international law, we have ensured that all the Beasts of the Mesozoic, Nanmu Studio, ITOY Studio, W-Dragon etc that we sell are registered in the EU and comply fully with EU 2019/1020. Everything Dinosaur has registered in Germany for this purpose (at considerable expense we might add).
To read an article that explains more about the implications of EU 2019/1020 for model collectors: New Market Surveillance Regulations Come into Force.

Under the new (EU) 2019/1020 regulations dinosaur models may not be offered for sale to EU consumers without an Economic Operator established in the EU. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Beasts of the Mesozoic Tyrannosaurs
It had been noted that comments had been made on the forum about how the Kickstarter tyrannosaur fulfilment process would be undertaken. Whilst stressing that no decisions had been taken to date, Everything Dinosaur supplied the following information:
We were responsible for all European and UK Beasts of the Mesozoic fulfilment operations for Wave 3 ceratopsians, as we had been for earlier fulfilment operations concerning Beasts of the Mesozoic Kickstarters, this operation was undertaken in mid-December when the shipment arrived at our UK warehouse. Despite the huge problems at the time due to COVID-19 restrictions and the enormous strain on the European mail delivery system and our own commitments to sending orders to our customers in time for Christmas, we were able to complete the despatch of Wave 3 fulfilment on schedule.
At this time (mid-January 2022), there has been no formal agreement in place between Everything Dinosaur and David Silva of Creative Beast Studio with regards to the treatment of the tyrannosaur series. Everything Dinosaur can confirm that it intends to stock this most impressive range. At this stage in the Beasts of the Mesozoic production cycle, no decision as to fulfilment for the tyrannosaur range has been made.
If readers require further information, they are welcome to contact Everything Dinosaur: Email Everything Dinosaur.
To view the Beasts of the Mesozoic models available from Everything Dinosaur: Beasts of the Mesozoic Models.