Planning for New Papo 2021/2
Planning for Papo 2021/2
As Papo are intending to introduce just two prehistoric animal models in 2021 Everything Dinosaur has been looking at ways in which the number of new Papo models could be increased. Like most manufacturers, Papo’s plans for 2021 were severely disrupted with the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, lots of factories have had delays and difficulties with production, it is not just the prehistoric animal model industry that has suffered.
However, Papo are intensely aware of just how enthusiastically model collectors greet new Papo figures, especially those prehistoric animals in the “Les Dinosaures” range. With only two figures to be introduced in 2021, namely a young Smilodon and a Megalodon shark model (model numbers 55081 and 55087 respectively), Papo understands that some model collectors may be feeling a little hard done by.
Two New Prehistoric Animal Figures to be Introduced by Papo in 2021

Two new models to be introduced by Papo in 2021 the young Smilodon (55081) and a Megalodon shark model (55087). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
No Papo Dinosaurs Planned for 2021
For the first time, there are no new dinosaur models to be added to the Papo range. Papo has dramatically expanded its “Les Dinosaures” model range in recent years with an average of five new models being added every year to the range since 2015. It is true that not all these figures have been new sculpts, there has been a trend in recent years to introduce colour variants of existing models, but across all Papo’s model ranges the French manufacturer had continually increased the number of figures available.
Plotting the Growth in the Number of Papo Prehistoric Animal Models Available (2015 – 2020)

Papo prehistoric animal model introductions 2015 to 2021. In 2018 a “Les Dinosaures” Land of Dinosaurs play set was also added to the range. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The graph shows the number of Papo figures added to the company’s range of prehistoric animal models since 2015. The blue Papo logo represents new sculpts, whereas the older green Papo logo represents the introduction of new colour variants or a reissue of a previously retired figure. The last time only two new figures were added to the Papo portfolio of prehistoric animals was in 2015 when the young Apatosaurus and the Tupuxuara pterosaur model were introduced.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“We have made a number of suggestions to Papo’s senior management about possibly adding to the range of figures available this year. We have suggested the introduction of a new colour variant of the popular Papo Triceratops model, the reissue of a retired figure such as the Woolly Rhinoceros replica, or the production of a gift set for the Christmas market. Papo have respectively listened to our proposals and in addition they have carefully considered the views and suggestions from our customers.”
The Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Models.
With both the young Smilodon and the Megalodon model not likely to be available until later in the year (both models are scheduled for a quarter 4 introduction), there will be some time to wait before any new Papo prehistoric animal figures come into stock. However, Everything Dinosaur and Papo are doing what they can to try to bring forward the production of new figures.
We shall do our best to keep all Papo model collectors informed.
In the meantime, to view the range of Papo prehistoric animal models available from Everything Dinosaur: Papo Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animal Models.