The New Papo Megaloceros Model
The Magnificent Papo Megaloceros Model
The magnificent Papo Megaloceros model is now in stock at Everything Dinosaur. This year (2020), has been exceptionally challenging for many companies due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Factory production has been severely affected and logistic operations, so reliable under normal conditions have been under severe strain. As a result, team members at Everything Dinosaur have found themselves announcing new for 2021 figures, when some of the new for 2020 models had yet to arrive. Take for example, the Papo Megaloceros, it had been originally scheduled to come out in May, but it has been worth the wait.
The Magnificent Papo Megaloceros Model
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Papo Megaloceros Model
Although this giant deer is often referred to as the “Irish Elk”, this most impressive member of the Cervidae, was not restricted to Ireland. The “Emerald Isle” marked the western edge of its distribution, during the Pleistocene Epoch and into the Holocene these large herbivores could be found as far east as Siberia. Megaloceros is not closely related to the elk family either, genetic studies have revealed that the Megaloceros genus is related to the Fallow deer (Dama dama). The term “Irish Elk” seems to have become popularised from the 18th century onwards.
Numerous specimens found in peat bogs close to Dublin (Ireland), provided museums and private collectors in Europe with a wealth of material to use in displays and the term seems to have originated as a result of these remains being widely seen by the Victorian public.
The Papo Megaloceros Model

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Model Measurements
The Papo Megaloceros figure is around 13 centimetres tall, with a shoulder height of 6 cm. Those most impressive antlers have a span of over 11 centimetres. Based on a 2.7 metre long adult animal, Everything Dinosaur team members estimate that this figure is in approximately 1/18th scale, so the Papo Megaloceros model will work well in dioramas using other prehistoric mammal models that are in 1/20th scale.
The huge antlers were shed and regrown by the bucks each year. They may look extremely cumbersome, but given the size of the animal these palmate antlers are actually in proportion.
Papo Megaloceros Highlighting the Antlers
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
As with the majority of the prehistoric animal models and figures that they supply, Everything Dinosaur will be providing a free Megaloceros fact sheet with this new Papo replica.
The Beautifully Painted Megaloceros Model from Papo
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
To view the new for 2020 Papo Megaloceros and the rest of the Papo prehistoric animal models and figures available from Everything Dinosaur: Papo Prehistoric Animals.