New CollectA Models for 2021 Video Review
New CollectA Models for 2021 Video Review
Everything Dinosaur has produced a video looking at the first three prehistoric animal models for 2021 to be announced by CollectA. Having collaborated with CollectA on the media release that came out on Friday (6th November, 2020), Everything Dinosaur have produced a video review of the CollectA Deluxe Mamenchisaurus, along with the Kamuysaurus and the Brontosaurus prey (CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range).
Everything Dinosaur Takes a Look at the First Three Models for 2021 Announced by CollectA
Video credit: Everything Dinosaur
To view Everything Dinosaur’s earlier blog post about the three new figures: New CollectA Models for 2021 (Part 1).
Everything Dinosaur’s Video Review
In Everything Dinosaur’s video review the narrator introduces each of the new figures in turn using the official images provided by CollectA. Some of the science behind each of the new for 2021 models is highlighted. For example, when discussing the CollectA Deluxe 1:100 scale Mamenchisaurus, the video looks at the fossil evidence for a tail club that is depicted on the CollectA figure. Four fused vertebrae relating to a specimen of M. hochuanensis were discovered in 2001. The uniformity of these fused caudal vertebrae led palaeontologists to conclude that these fused bones were not caused by disease or an injury to the animal. Tail clubs have been reported in other Chinese sauropods including the closely related Omeisaurus.
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
Fused Vertebrae (Tail Bones) Associated with Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis
Picture credit: Xing Lida et al
The Unique Dinosaur Biota of Japan
In the section discussing the Japanese hadrosaurid Kamuysaurus, Everything Dinosaur examines the recent focus on the unique dinosaur biota of Japan by CollectA. A model of Fukuiraptor was introduced in 2019 and earlier this year a 1:40 scale replica of Fukuisaurus was added to CollectA’s portfolio. Although, as the narrator points out in Everything Dinosaur’s video review, Kamuysaurus evolved tens of millions of years after these two dinosaurs became extinct.
Kamuysaurus Lived Tens of Millions of Years after Fukuisaurus and Fukuiraptor

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Pathology on the CollectA Brontosaurus Prey Model
The injuries depicted on the CollectA Brontosaurus prey model reflect attack and feeding strategies that have been postulated for large theropod dinosaurs. Our congratulations to the design team at CollectA for their skilful representation of a sauropod, attacked, weakened and ultimately dispatched by a large carnivore, or possibly a pack of large carnivorous dinosaurs.
Three New CollectA Dinosaur Models for 2021

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur will blog about the next new model announcements from CollectA shortly.
These three dinosaur models will be in stock at Everything Dinosaur in early 2021.
To view the range of CollectA Deluxe models available from Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Animals.
To view the range of CollectA Prehistoric Life models available from Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Prehistoric Life – Age of Dinosaurs.