Reception Classes Create Beautiful Prehistoric Landscapes
Reception Classes Create Prehistoric Landscapes
The three classes of Reception-aged children at Broughton Primary in Flintshire have been busy learning all about dinosaurs and fossils this term. With the half-term break approaching, a team member from Everything Dinosaur was invited into the school to deliver three dinosaur workshops, one for each class, to help reinforce their learning as the topic came to a conclusion. During the visit, our dinosaur and fossil expert was given a tour of a couple of the spacious and tidy classrooms and shown the prehistoric landscapes that the children had created.
Class 1 (Dosbarth 1) – Prehistoric Landscape

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
What do Dinosaurs Need to Keep them Healthy and Happy?
As part of an enriched and varied scheme of work, the Reception classes have been learning about animals and what they need to help keep them safe, healthy and happy. The children have incorporated some of this learning into their prehistoric landscapes that they have been building. For example, class 1 ensured that there were plenty of plants for the herbivores to graze upon and lots of rocks for the dinosaurs to hide amongst to keep them safe from Tyrannosaurus rex.
As part of the extension activities for the classes following our workshops, we supplied extra resources for the teaching team. Each class was given their very own hard hat to wear when they went out looking for fossils. Dinosaurs as a term topic certainly lends itself to lots of creative play and exploration.
For dinosaur and prehitoric animal themed toys: Dinosaur Toys and Gifts.
A Prehistoric Landscape Created by a Reception Class – Can you See the Three Fossil Hunting Hard Hats?

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
Prehistoric Landscapes
The enterprising teaching team had used a variety of materials to help create the mini “Jurassic Parks”, these items will help the children to explore and learn about the properties of different materials. Class 3 had even included a large, cardboard and cloth cave for their dinosaur models to hide in.
The Prehistoric Landscape Created by Class 3 (Dosbarth 3)

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Cretaceous Conifers
The children in class 3 had created a large cardboard and crepe paper forest for the plant-eating dinosaurs to browse. The forest would provide lots of handy nesting places for the dinosaurs too.
Cretaceous Conifers – A Prehistoric Forest for Dinosaurs to Explore

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
For further information about Everything Dinosaur’s teaching and science outreach work: Email Everything Dinosaur.