Eofauna Deinotherium and News About the Eofauna Atlasaurus
Eofauna Deinotherium and Eofauna Atlasaurus
There is so much to do these days at Everything Dinosaur, for example, we have received stocks of the new Deinotherium model (Eofauna Scientific Research). So, in between informing all our customers on our priority reserve lists and getting this model on-line, we have all been very busy. However, we have received a number of requests to put up pictures of the model and to shoot a short video. We took photographs and these were posted up onto our various social media platforms yesterday.
Eofauna Deinotherium Video
As promised, we did make a brief video showing the model…
The New for 2019 Eofauna Scientific Research Deinotherium Replica
Video credit: Everything Dinosaur
The video, taken in our new video and photographic studio shows a brief glimpse of the model. It allows viewers to appreciate the size, of this, the fourth replica to have been produced by Eofauna Scientific Research in their model range.
To read the article featuring the Eofauna Deinotherium replica with the studio photographs that we took: Eofauna Scientific Research Deinotherium Model is in Stock.
For the moment, we are restricted in the type of videos that we can produce. We intend to produce much longer model reviews as well as updates about new models being developed and such like in the future. However, for the time being this short video plus our photographs will have to be enough to whet the appetites of prehistoric animal model collectors.
What About the Eofauna Scientific Research Atlasaurus?
The Eofauna Scientific Research Atlasaurus model is coming into stock at Everything Dinosaur in the next few weeks or so. This is the second dinosaur figure that Eofauna have created after their beautifully crafted Giganotosaurus model.
The Eofauna Scientific Research Atlasaurus Dinosaur Model

The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
With the studio all set up, we took the opportunity to remind customers and YouTube subscribers how they can join Everything Dinosaur’s priority reserve list for this eagerly awaited sauropod figure.
To join our priority reserve list for the Eofauna Scientific Research Atlasaurus, just email Everything Dinosaur: Email Everything Dinosaur to Reserve an Atlasaurus.
A Video Reminder – How to Reserve Your Eofauna Scientific Research Atlasaurus Model
Video credit: Everything Dinosaur
To view the current range of Eofauna figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: The Eofauna Scientific Research Range of Models.