Dinosaur Display Made from Leaves
Lots of Key Stage 1 children and Reception classes have been learning about dinosaurs this term. On one of our many school visits a dinosaur expert at Everything Dinosaur spotted a colourful display of prehistoric animals that had been created using leaves. It seems that dinosaurs are even becoming involved in forest school activities, all part of creative, imaginative and thoroughly engaging teaching schemes of work.
A Dinosaur Created from Autumn Leaves
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
A Dinosaur Leaf Monster
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“We come across lots of wonderful and creative curricular during our visits to schools. We congratulate the teaching team for combining the term topic all about dinosaurs and fossils to learning about the changing environment and seasons. This really is a great example of creative cross-curricular teaching.”
A Dinosaur Leaf Monster
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
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