Kit Out Your Young Palaeontologists

Kit out your budding, young palaeontologists like seasoned dinosaur hunters with these two super additions to the Everything Dinosaur product range.  We have a young palaeontologist field kit and a child’s dinosaur themed hard hat to help turn enthusiastic young dinosaur fans into experienced fossil collectors.

The Dinosaur Explorer Hard Hat

Dinosaur explorer hard hat.
Go exploring for dinosaur fossils with this child’s dinosaur explorer hard hat. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Young Palaeontologists Go Hunting for Dinosaur Fossils

Go exploring for dinosaur fossil bones and teeth with this super, child’s dinosaur themed hard hat.  The hard hat comes complete with a headlamp torch to help illuminate the young explorer’s path.  Please note, this is a hat ideal for role play and dressing up games and that this is not a piece of actual safety apparel, although the hat with its motif of dinosaur skeletons, claws and teeth is much more attractive than our own hard hats that we wear.

The torch requires two AA batteries (not supplied), but the hat comes with comprehensive instructions about fitting/changing batteries.  The child’s hard hat even has an adjustable plastic strap, just like a real hard hat, so you can ensure that the hat fits snug and secure.

The Dinosaur Explorer Palaeontologist Field Kit

Dinosaur Explorer Young Palaeontologists Field Kit.
The young palaeontologist dinosaur explorer kit contains a sturdy plastic water bottle along with a toy compass and a pair of dinosaur themed binoculars. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

Dinosaur Explorer Field Palaeontologist Kit

What a super idea for a Christmas gift!  We suspect that your young dinosaur fan will be roaring with excitement when they see this field palaeontologist kit.  The field kit contains the essentials to help budding young dinosaur hunters to explore and hunt for dinosaur fossils.  There is a sturdy and robust bright red water bottle, which you can write your name on.  The kit also includes a pair of dinosaur themed binoculars and a toy compass to help you plot your way through the Hell Creek Formation of Montana, or your garden, whichever is the nearest.

The Young Palaeontologist Dinosaur Explorer Palaeontologist Field Kit (Contents)

A palaeontologist field kit.
Dinosaur Explorer Young Palaeontologist Field Kit.  The kit contains a toy compass, a sturdy, plastic water bottle and a pair of dinosaur themed binoculars to help you spot fossils! Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The child’s hard hat and the dinosaur explorer field palaeontologist set are great for creative and imaginative play.  Helping to enthuse the next generation of Earth scientists with exciting games and role play.

To view the dinosaur explorer young palaeontologists field kit and the child’s hard hat, simply visit this section of our website: Dinosaur Gifts and Toys.