Papo Prehistoric Animal Models on Display
At Everything Dinosaur, we are always keen to see how the prehistoric animal models that we supply are displayed. Our staff are constantly amazed by the incredible dinosaur dioramas and prehistoric landscapes that are built by our customers. Take for example, Donovan from Canada. An enthusiastic collector of Papo figures “Les Dinosaures”, Donovan has built a substantial display case for the Papo models within his collection.
A Prehistoric World Dominated by Papo Prehistoric Animals
Picture credit: Donovan
Papo Prehistoric Animal Models on Display
The recent Everything Dinosaur purchases have been added to Donovan’s dinosaur diorama. The new for 2019 Papo Pentaceratops can be seen on the left of the picture (above), in between the huge Papo Brachiosaurus and just behind the Papo Ankylosaurus model. It had better look out as emerging from the trees we can see a Papo running T. rex model lurking, perhaps getting ready to ambush the unwary horned dinosaur!
Papo Prehistoric Animal Models on Display

Picture credit: Donovan
Clever Use of Silhouettes
Providing a backdrop to the model display are some excellent silhouettes that help to provide an illusion of depth. They are very well drawn and we congratulate our Canadian customer for such a creatively constructed prehistoric landscape. There is certainly plenty of detail to admire, including a Therizinosaurus defending itself from an attacking Acrocanthosaurus and an unfortunate Styracosaurus that has been grabbed by a crocodile.
After providing permission for Everything Dinosaur to post up some pictures of his handiwork, Donovan explained that his personal prehistoric park took many hours to plan and to build, he commented:
“It took a lot of hard work for me to build that toy box/ display case. I hope to finish the bookshelf case this winter that will go with the toy box and display the other half of our Papo figures.”
A Variety of Landscapes Feature in the Display Including a Desert and a Watering Hole

Picture credit: Donovan
For prehistoric animal models and other dinosaur themed items visit: Everything Dinosaur.
We congratulate Donovan on his fine prehistoric animal display, the diorama even has lighting to showcase his model collection.
Beware of the Dinosaur! The Fantastic Prehistoric Animal Model Display Case
Picture credit: Donovan
To view the Papo prehistoric animal models available from Everything Dinosaur: Papo Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals.
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