Everything Dinosaur on Instagram
Everything Dinosaur has created an Instagram account so that team members can post up photographs and images related to the company and share some of the amazing pictures and illustrations sent into our offices by our customers. Instagram is a social media platform created to help share photos and videos and Instagram is now owned by Facebook.
Everything Dinosaur is Now on Instagram

Picture credit: Instagram
Everything Dinosaur’s Instagram username for our site is entitled @everythingdinosaur1 and we will be posting up various images and videos and looking up all our thousands of Facebook chums. In addition, team members are looking forward to liking and commenting on all the amazing dinosaur and prehistoric animal images that have already been posted up onto the platform.
View Everything Dinosaur on Instagram: Everything Dinosaur on Instagram.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“We had been planning to get ourselves on the Instagram platform for quite a while, however, our work commitments, teaching and other projects kept getting in the way. Just before we run into our Christmas sales period and the teaching programme becomes very congested, we thought that this month was a good time to launch our presence on this social media networking site.”
Blogs, Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram
The UK-based dinosaur and prehistoric animal company has already built up a substantial presence on social media, with Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook accounts. Everything Dinosaur’s Facebook page has built up over 5,000 “likes” and thousands of followers since it was initiated. The company’s blog site remains one of the most comprehensive web logs dedicated to palaeontology, fossils, dinosaurs as well as prehistoric animals and figures. The blog was set up over eleven years ago and now boasts in excess of 4,000 separate articles (a total of 4,231 articles including this one).
Team Members at Everything Dinosaur Are Looking Forward to Posting on Instagram (@everythingdinosaur1)

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Shortly, Everything Dinosaur staff will be inviting friends and Facebook followers to link with the company’s Instagram page. It will be exciting to post up information about all our adventures on this interactive, social networking and sharing platform.
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
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