Year 1 Art Project Dinosaurs
Whilst searching through our extensive archives, we came across a photograph taken during one of our many visits to schools to conduct dinosaur and fossil themed workshops. The children in a Year 1 class at Wellgate Primary have used prehistoric animal drawings to help inspire them in their art classes. Various drawings of dinosaurs and fossils were used to help the children gain an appreciation of perspective and to learn about the influence of shading on the appearance of a drawing. How very creative!
Dinosaurs Inspire a Year 1 Art Class
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur/Wellgate Primary
Black and White Illustrations Using Dinosaurs and Fossils
The teacher instructed the children to only use pencil to shade in their drawings and not to add anything else to their illustrations. This display formed part of an extensive collage that highlighted various painting and drawing styles, all focused on the theme of fossils and prehistoric animals. Our dinosaur and fossil expert who visited the school to conduct a workshop, took the picture to demonstrate the creative approach to the scheme of work adopted by the teaching team with its cross-curricular touch points clearly evident.
It looks like we have some budding future palaeoartists, all the various pieces of art made a fantastic display.
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
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