New CollectA Models in Stock
Dimorphodon, Uintatherium, Basilosaurus and Mini Prehistoric Marine Animals Arrive
The final batch of new for 2017, CollectA prehistoric animal models has arrived and what a splendid collection they are! CollectA had introduced their new dinosaurs earlier in the year, so this final set of 2017 models does not contain any “terrible lizards”, just a group of well-crafted models that are going to delight collectors.
In Stock at Everything Dinosaur the Latest CollectA 2017 Prehistoric Animal Models
CollectA Dimorphodon with Movable Jaw
It is great to see CollectA introducing another replica of a large pterosaur into their “Deluxe” range. The Dimorphodon will sit proudly next to the Guidraco figure, a model that was introduced back in 2015, to much acclaim. Everything Dinosaur team members have been in discussion with leading expert on the Pterosauria Mark Witton recently, like Mark, we think that this Early Jurassic flying reptile may well have lived in an arboreal environment and not on the coast as depicted in many illustrations. The team at CollectA, think this was the case also, as they chose to illustrate their new CollectA Dimorphodon in a terrestrial setting.
Dimorphodon Probably Lived Inland in Forests

The CollectA 2017 catalogue features the Dimorphodon model on the front. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: CollectA/Everything Dinosaur
Dinosaur fans and model collectors can request a CollectA catalogue from Everything Dinosaur. To view the extensive range of CollectA prehistoric animal models and figures: CollectA Prehistoric Life Model Range.
The CollectA Deluxe Uintatherium
The CollectA Deluxe Uintatherium model is one of our favourite replicas to be released this year. We have followed the development of this prehistoric mammal figure very closely. Although, Uintatherium was one of the largest land animals of the Eocene Epoch and is well represented in the fossil record of North America, very few replicas of Uintatheres have been produced. Measuring a fraction under nineteen centimetres long, this is an excellent 1:20 scale model of “Uintah Beast”.
The New for 2017 CollectA Deluxe Uintatherium
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
CollectA Basilosaurus
Fans of the “Walking with Beasts” television series have waited a long time for a model of the giant, toothed whale Basilosaurus and CollectA have certainly delivered with this thirty-six-centimetre long model, complete with colonies of barnacles on its skin.
The CollectA Basilosaurus Model
Although this model is much bigger than many of the replicas in the CollectA Deluxe scale model series, it is not actually part of that model range. The size of the model, merely reflecting the actual size of this early whale. Males may have reached lengths in excess of eighteen metres (females were slightly smaller), based on these measurements, we estimate that the CollectA Basilosaurus is around 1:50 scale.
The CollectA Box of Mini Prehistoric Marine Animals
Model makers and diorama builders are in for a real treat with the addition of the set of mini prehistoric marine animals from CollectA. The set of twelve figures, ranging from a trilobite, ammonites, prehistoric fish and marine reptiles, are ideal for use in prehistoric landscapes, adding variety and colour to any marine diorama. Our personal favourite is the replica of the Late Cretaceous sea turtle Archelon, but look out also for the Leedsichthys and the Xiphactinus.
The CollectA Box of Mini Prehistoric Marine Animals
New CollectA Models
Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
Plans are well advanced for the 2018 models and in the autumn, Everything Dinosaur will publish news about the next set of prehistoric animal models, but for the meantime, let’s enjoy the arrival of this, the last batch of new for 2017 CollectA replicas.
To view the range of CollectA Deluxe prehistoric animals: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life.