Getting Ready for the Arrival of the CollectA Uintatherium
Not long to wait now before the arrival of the last of the 2017 CollectA model releases. Stock is expected in the middle of next month or thereabouts (July 2017). In the meantime, we have been busy checking over all the new fact sheets and scale model drawings that have been commissioned to mark the arrival of models such as the Basilosaurus and the CollectA Deluxe Uintatherium.
The CollectA Deluxe Uintatherium Replica
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Largest of the “Terrible Horns”
Uintatherium was one of the largest members of the Order Dinocerata (the name means “terrible horns”), just one look at that formidable skull on the CollectA model and you can see why Dinocerata is such an appropriate name for this Order of bizarre mammals. Uintatheres were placental mammals, but where they fit onto the Mammalia family tree is open to debate. Some vertebrate palaeontologists support the theory that these animals were distantly related to the odd-toed, hoofed mammals, the Perissodactyla, a large group of placentals that includes extant animals such as rhinos, tapirs and horses. Other scientists have proposed that the Dinocerata have an affinity with the Meridiungulata (mammals with hooves that flourished in South America).
Yet another theory put forward is that the uintatheres with their small cheek teeth and distinctive tooth crown patterns may be distantly related to today’s lagomorphs (rabbits)!
The Giant Uintatherium
The first of the uintatheres probably originated in Asia and they evolved in the Late Palaeocene/Early Eocene. Within a few million years, representatives of this group were amongst the largest terrestrial animals on the planet, with elephant-sized specimens like Eobasileus “dawn emperor” and the “Uintah beast” Uintatherium.
A Scale Drawing of the Giant Uintatherium (Uintatherium anceps)
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Uintatherium has the distinction of having one of the smallest brains, in proportion to its body size of any known mammal living or extinct. That one-metre-long skull with its paired horns (ossicles), which were most prominent in males, protected a very tiny brain, approximately 40% the size of the brain of a modern horse.
Estimating the body weight of a long extinct creature is a challenge, but thanks to the plentiful fossil remains, particularly those from North America, femoral measurements suggest a body mass of around 2 to 2.2 tonnes.
To view the current range of CollectA “Prehistoric Life” and the CollectA Deluxe models visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
We look forward to the arrival of the last set of new for 2017 models from CollectA, along with the Basilosaurus and the CollectA Uintatherium we are also expecting the super-sized CollectA Dimorphodon model and the set of mini prehistoric animals. Next month is going to be a very busy month for Everything Dinosaur.
View the CollectA Deluxe range at Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Animal Models.
How much will it cost?
We are expecting these models in, over the next few days. When we have the final cost for shipping into the UK, we will be able to finalise prices. Thank you for your enquiry.