TetZooCon 2015 (14th November 2015)
We are very lucky in this country to have such a vibrant group of like-minded academics, writers, scientists and artists who are passionate about the living world and life in the past in all its myriad forms. However, the opportunities to bring such dedicated and well informed people together remain few and far between.
It’s great to hear that the date for a second Tetrapod Zoology Convention has been set, what with the runaway success of the inaugural conference, organisers, renowned science-writer and all round top chap Dr Darren Naish (University of Southampton), aided and abetted by talented palaeoartist John Conway are already finalising the impressive list of speakers for the convention scheduled for Saturday 14th November at the London Wetland Centre.
Tetrapod Zoology Convention
Tickets cost just £40.00 for the day, highlights of which will include short talks on all manner of zoologically-themed subjects, which as we go to press, cover topic areas as varied and diverse as marine reptiles, urban birding, the Pterosauria and crypto-mammals with a focus on pygmy elephants! There will be time for a little bit of animal watching at the London Wetland Centre as well as a pub trip and a pub-themed social event to round off the event.
TetZooCon 2015 – Bookings Now Being Taken
Image Credit: Darren Naish
To book tickets via Paypal: Tickets Can Be Booked Here.
The London Wetland Centre is located in Barnes, London (postcode for satnav purposes: SW13 9WT), coffee and tea will be provided and lunch can be procured from the nearby Water’s Edge Cafe.
Palaeoart Workshop – A Highlight
Building upon the highly successful palaeoart workshop that took place last year, this convention will also give delegates the opportunity to gain an insight into this fascinating area of scientific illustration with the likes of Bob Nicholls, Mark Witton and of course, John Conway leading the way. There might even be one or two signed prints available to purchase. So, book the date of Saturday November 14th into your diary. The London Wetland Centre will once more be the venue for the second celebration of all things zoological and palaeontological.
For information, updates and to access the super weblog written by Dr Naish: Tetrapod Zoology.
And that booking information once again, (tickets £40.00): Book Tickets Here via Paypal.