Blackpool Celebrating Science Conference 2015
Another busy day yesterday as team members at Everything Dinosaur took part in the Blackpool Celebrating Science Conference (BCSC2015). Schools from all over the Blackpool area attended the event which was held at Unity Academy, with the conference taking place in the Academy’s spacious hall and the various science activities organised in nearby classrooms. Everything Dinosaur was located in Mr Goldie’s classroom, we are grateful to Mr Goldie and his class for letting us use their room for the four dinosaur themed workshops we conducted with Year 4 and Year 5 pupils over the morning.
Blackpool Celebrating Science Conference
“Tyrannosaurus Sue” took charge of our conference stand and organised a fossil hunting activity for the children. She had a very busy day with lots and lots of enthusiastic young palaeontologists exploring the fossil trays looking for ammonites, belemnites, brachiopods, petrified wood and coral.
Everything Dinosaur provides replicas of iconic animals from the geological record: Dinosaur Replica, Models of Fossils.
Preparing the Everything Dinosaur Stand at the Start of the Conference
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Lots of Fossils to Discover
We posted up some pictures of the fossils the children could find, they were really impressed with the shark teeth and loved looking at their fossil discoveries with the large magnifying glasses we provided. We also included lots of information about Mary Anning, as one of the competitions on the day for the children was to collect as many names of famous scientists as they could.
In the meantime, in the classroom we had been looking at animals with backbones and exploring the vertebrae of dinosaurs. In the second part of the workshop, Everything Dinosaur explained some of the aspects relating to new research into the Dinosauria. Our well received workshop involved “Jurassic World” and breaking some bones, the activities and experiments delighted teachers and children alike. We were very busy with the workshops and did not have a lot of time to organise feedback from the eight schools we were scheduled to work with.
Feedback from Teachers
However, we did get two teachers to provide some feedback on the workshops that we delivered. It seems we got 5 out of 5 stars for our workshop. This feedback is extremely helpful as the short lesson we provided was one that we had developed especially for the conference.
Feedback from Teachers after the Everything Dinosaur Workshop
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
More Feedback from Everything Dinosaur’s Workshop
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
All to soon it was time to pack up, after all, we have to prepare for some more dinosaur themed workshops in schools. Our thanks to Unity Academy for being such gracious hosts and for Cheryl Langley and Jane Walpole for organising the Blackpool Celebrating Science Conference. We really appreciate the “tweeted” pictures of us as well.
To learn more about Everything Dinosaur’s work: Email Everything Dinosaur.
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