Everything Dinosaur Publishes Unique Blog Article Number 3,000
Everything Dinosaur Writes 3,000 Blog Articles
It feels like we started this blog sometime back in the Pleistocene Epoch, but that’s not quite the case, the first articles were published in May 2007 and now some eight years later, today, we publish article number 3,000! Team members at Everything Dinosaur try to put up an article every day, this can be quite a tough ask but given the speed of developments in palaeontology, the wealth of new fossil finds plus of course, our own adventures, there has never been a shortage of things to write about. A big thank you to the millions of viewers and all those who have re-pinned, shared and tweeted our content, this really means a lot to us.
Celebrating Article Number 3,000 on the Everything Dinosaur Blog
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Everything Dinosaur Blog
The aims of our humble web log have not changed since we started. We try to write articles using non-technical language that inform readers about the latest dinosaur and prehistoric animal research. In addition, we act as a source of information for new fossil finds and updates on fossil hunting expeditions.
Our blog has proved to be a useful resource for dinosaur fans and model collectors as we have published quite a lot of information about new products and ranges coming to the market. From the feedback we receive, we are also aware of the number of teachers, teaching assistants and home educationalists who regular visit our blog site and use the information we provide for lesson plans and other educational activities. Visit Everything Dinosaur’s on-line shop: Everything Dinosaur, we have built up quite a following from primary and secondary school teachers.
Everything Dinosaur
The Everything Dinosaur blog is getting to be quite a sizeable beast, for example, much bigger than a Dreadnoughtus, a huge, long-necked dinosaur from Argentina, that we discussed on this web log back in September 2014. If you were to print out all our articles out onto A4-sized paper and lay them end to end, then this paper chain would stretch for approximately 750 metres. Or to put it another way, in terminology that dinosaur fans might appreciate, our printed out blog would stretch the length of twenty-seven Diplodocus dinosaurs.
To read the article on Dreadnoughtus: A Little Detail on a Great Big Dreadnoughthus.
If we were to try to print out our entire blog, even on our biggest, fastest printer, we estimate that to produce all the articles, it would take over two days. That’s a lot of time standing around the printer!
Helping to Inform and Educate
Given the amount of correspondence we receive from collectors, schoolchildren and delighted parents, we could quite easily post up pictures, drawings, photographs of fossils and such like several times a day, but for the time being, we shall have to limit ourselves to the single post. However, please be assured, we respond to all those correspondents who require a reply, just as we read all the blog comments from our readers on this site.
On behalf of everyone at “Everything” we would like to say a really big thank you to all our readers.