Everything Dinosaur Helps to Inform and Educate

It seems like a long time ago now, but when our happy band got together we set about creating a mission statement, a sort of who we are, what we do and why do we do it.  Other organisations had such things and we thought we ought to have one too.  As a teaching team, we wanted to help inform and educate and our mission statement for our work in schools reflects this.

Everything Dinosaur

Teaching Mission Statement

 “Everything Dinosaur’s aim is to help motivate young people to learn more about Earth sciences by participating in hands-on, dinosaur themed teaching activities and dinosaur workshops.  Our mission is to engage and inspire the next generation of young scientists by having dinosaurs and fossils in school.”

Every day we receive letters, drawings, photographs, pictures all sorts of things from schoolchildren.  It is always a pleasure to see them.  We encourage creative writing as part of our work in schools and as a result we get lots of thank you letters, stories and fact sheets sent in.

 A Typical Letter Sent in by a Dinosaur Fan

Helping to encourage sentence construction and creative writing.

Helping to encourage sentence construction and creative writing.

Picture Credit Phoebe (Year 1)

We do our best to reply to all the questions we get asked and we try to make sure that everyone’s efforts are acknowledged.  We have young dinosaur fans all over the world, we get correspondence from Scandinavia, Brazil, Spain, Germany, Australia, just about every country you can think of.

Drawing of a Triceratops (M. V. Eashwar from India)

Super drawing of a Triceratops from M. V. Eashwar.

Super drawing of a Triceratops from M. V. Eashwar.

Picture credit: M. V. Eashwar

In two weeks time the new school year starts and we can’t wait to meet all the enthusiastic palaeontologists during our many scheduled classroom visits to conduct dinosaur workshops.

To visit Everything Dinosaur’s website: Visit Everything Dinosaur.