Checking on Our Progress So Far
With the first three months of 2013 having whizzed by, we thought it would be appropriate just to re-cap on progress made on some of the social media activities of Everything Dinosaur. At the beginning of the year, we set out a number of predictions as to what we thought was going to happen over the next twelve months or so. As well as trying to predict news stories that we would feature and fossil discoveries, our team members set out some targets for themselves to see how things develop in Everything Dinosaur’s social media environs.
Specifically, we set ourselves the following challenges:
- Six hundred and fifty Ezine articles approved and published
- One Thousand Facebook likes on Everything Dinosaur’s Facebook Page
- Ezine Challenge completed 365 articles approved and published since February 25th 2012
- 300,000 Video Views on Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube Channel
- Everything Dinosaur to join Pinterest with 1,000 re-pins
All to be completed by the end of this year, so how are we doing?
- Six hundred and fifty Ezine Articles approved and published
Well, to date we have something like 515 Ezine articles published with another 3 awaiting review prior to publication. The articles are mainly in the science categories, reporting on developments in palaeontology and new fossil finds. However, there are lots of product reviews, features on dinosaur models and helpful teaching and craft tips with a dinosaur theme. So far so good, we are on target.
Social Media Progress
Examples of Everything Dinosaur’s Ezine activities: Everything Dinosaur on Ezine.
- One Thousand Facebook likes on Everything Dinosaur’s Facebook Page
Everything Dinosaur continues to publish lots of pictures, links, illustrations and other material on the company’s Facebook page. We are always keen to hear from our customers, we respond to every question and reply to messages, we even publish some of the pictures sent into us by very young dinosaur fans.
If you want to give Everything Dinosaur a “like” to help us towards our target of 1,000 likes by the end of the year just click the Facebook logo:
We are delighted to hear from fellow fossil collectors, teachers and all round dinosaur enthusiasts, we really appreciate your input.
- Ezine Challenge completed 365 articles approved and published since February 25th 2012
It took a lot of hard work but we were able to achieve our target of writing 365 articles in exactly 365 days. This challenge was set back on February 25th 2012 and we actually had our 365th article published within the challenge period about four weeks before the challenge expired. So far this year, we have researched, written and had published over eighty articles as we press on towards our target of 650.
- Three Hundred Thousand Video Views on our Youtube Channel
We have put up over fifty videos to date, most of them reviews of new model releases and we are well on track to exceed 300,000 video views in 2013. In fact, according to some members of our IT team we may well reach the 300K mark in the next six weeks or so. Perhaps a target of half a million by the year end should be set. Once again we read every comment, message and response on our Youtube site and we reply to all those that require one. We love sharing dinosaur and other prehistoric animal information and ideas.
- Everything Dinosaur to join Pinterest and to have 1,000 Picture Pins
We joined Pinterest a couple of months ago, we have really enjoyed seeing and re-pinning all the amazing fossil pictures and dinosaur themed illustrations on Pinterest. Here too, we have started to pin up more examples from our customers, we are grateful for all the correspondence that we receive we do read them all. To date, we have pinned up something like 700 pictures and images. We are well on course to complete 1,000 pins and we will probably be nearer 2,000 pins by the end of the year. We appreciate all the “shares”, “follows”,”tags” “likes” and so on, we do our best to reply promptly to all who contact us.
To visit our Pinterest pages, simply click on the Pin It logo below:
Everything Dinosaur
So far so good, but we will continue to remain as dedicated to our customers as we always have been and we look forward to hearing from you in the future. Let’s see how close or how far over the targets the team members at Everything Dinosaur achieve by the end of the year.
To visit Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Visit Everything Dinosaur.
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