1,500 Not Out
Everything Dinosaur Blog – 1,500 Articles
On Sunday 27th May 2007, team members at Everything Dinosaur posted up their very first blog article. Today, we are putting up this – article number 1,500, which is quite an achievement we think. We try to post up an article every day, news stories concerning dinosaur discoveries, press releases that we have been sent by our many friends working for the press teams of natural history museums around the world, updates on our own fossil finds, photos, interpretations of papers and such like.
Palaeontology can be described as a “move-able feast” it is forever changing, there is so much to discover and learn. Thanks to all our readers and contributors, roll on the next 1,500.
The Everything Dinosaur Corporate Logo

Everything Dinosaur logo. The UK-based, mail order company celebrates posting up 1,500 blog articles. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
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