Charlie and His Dinosaur Drawings
A few days ago, we sent some of our prehistoric animal images to a customer, who had purchased some dinosaur pyjamas for a young dinosaur fan they knew. We were informed that Charlie, the dinosaur fan and now the proud owner of a set of dino themed pyjamas had been poorly. He had been in hospital for quite a while and we hoped that our dinosaur drawing materials would cheer him up on his return home.
Dinosaur Artwork
Charlie’s mum, gave out the drawing materials and he was soon busy colouring them in, great to hear about such a keen, enthusiastic and young dinosaur fan. Charlie is only three-years of age and below is a snapshot of his dinosaur artwork, we really love the blue Iguanodon.
Charlies’ Dinosaur Artwork
Picture credit: Charlie and Charlie’s Mum
Charlie has done really well to keep his colouring in between the lines, as we have often had to sketch fossils ourselves, these are really impressive, especially for a three-year old. Well done Charlie.
Charlie’s Iguanodon
Picture credit: Charlie and Charlie’s Mum
Charlie’s mum, emailed us, enclosing the pictures of the completed drawings. She said that Charlie had been quite ill and had been in hospital for a couple of weeks, it was great to see him at home again and busy colouring in the dinosaur pictures that we had sent.
Always a pleasure and our thanks to Charlie for the drawings and to his mum Veronica for sending the images to us.
Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur stocks a huge range of creative, prehistoric animal themed toys and games aimed at budding young palaeontologists. To view the range available from the award-winning company: Dinosaur Toys and Gifts.
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