Fossil Fun for all the Family with the BGS and Rockwatch
British Geological Survey and Rockwatch Fossil Fun Event
With the annual National Science week rapidly approaching (from 12th to 21st March), team members at Everything Dinosaur are busy preparing for all the activities they have planned. This years theme is “Earth” and ties into the International Year of Biodiversity and there are lots of events planned around the country.
Fossil Fun Day
For example, the British Geological Survey (BGS) and Rockwatch (the club for young fossil fans and junior geologists) is holding a special family fossil fun day on Saturday March 20th.
The BGS and Rockwatch Family Fossil Day
Picture credit: BGS
Numbers are limited for this fun day out, so best to book early to avoid disappointment. The event is taking place at the BGS premises at Keyworth, Nottingham on Saturday 20th and the event opens at 10am.
To book visit write to Katie Tietjen at the address at the bottom of the advert.
Here is your chance to peep into prehistory with the BGS fossil collection, see how earthquakes happen and to pan for gold. Entry is free and young children must be accompanied by an adult (after all, why should the kids have all the fun), best to book early to avoid missing out.
Everything Dinosaur
Team members at Everything Dinosaur wish the event organisers every success.
Ammonites and Ammonite Fossils at the Fossil Fun Day

The strongly ribbed shell and the obvious keel of the ammonite replica. Look out for lots of ammonite activities at the fossil fun day. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur supplies replicas of iconic animals from the fossil record including ammonites, to see the range: Replicas of Important Fossil Animals.