Jack Horner Calls it a Day
Jack Horner, one of the world’s most famous palaeontologists, has announced his retirement from the post of Curator of Palaeontology at the Museum of the Rockies after thirty-three years in the post. John “Jack” Horner, the Regents Professor of Palaeontology at Montana State University has enjoyed a sparkling career having been thrust into the scientific limelight with the discovery of Maiasaura (M. peeblesorum) and the implications on dinosaur nesting behaviour and how dinosaurs raised their young which subsequently arose.
The Very Influential Jack Horner
Picture credit: Montana State University
Jack Horner Announces Retirement
The scientist who advised on the Jurassic Park franchise and is credited with being the inspiration behind the character Dr Alan Grant (at least in part), will not be hanging up his geological hammer just yet. Although he is retiring from some of his commitments, he has lots of other projects which are going to keep him busy well into his seventies.
Commenting on the announcement of his retirement, the Professor stated:
“You can be assured that I’ll not be slowing down any time soon. I will be pursuing a number of projects, including helping another museum amass a large dinosaur collection and finishing a couple more books. I also have a very exciting project that I’m not yet ready to announce.”
Jack Horner’s official retirement date is June 30th 2016, just shortly after his seventieth birthday. Montana State University intends to hold a special public event on the campus to celebrate the Professor’s contribution to vertebrate palaeontology.
Shelley McKamey, (Executive Director of the Museum of the Rockies) stated:
“Jack and his team of staff and graduate students have amassed the largest collection of dinosaur fossils from the United States. He opened the science of palaeontology to the general public and sparked the imagination of countless aspiring palaeontologists.”
A Famous Palaeontologist
Professor Horner, has championed the theory that dinosaurs were warm-blooded, he has also courted controversy in his rich and varied career, playing a pivotal role in the Tyrannosaurus rex “scavenger versus hunter” debate.
The discovery of “Good Mother Lizard” – Maiasaura, in the late 1970’s brought about a complete revision of theories relating to dinosaurs and their parenting strategies. Jack Horner and his colleagues demonstrated that some dinosaurs provided extensive parental care (Maiasaura young were altricial – incapable of feeding themselves).
Maiasaura – Described by Jack Horner and Robert Makela in 1979
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
For models and replicas of ornithischians and other prehistoric animals: CollectA Prehistoric Life Models and Figures.
Long-time collaborator and University of California, Berkley professor Kevin Padian, wrote:
“It is difficult to imagine someone who, rising from such considerable obstacles, has achieved so much, given back so much to the profession, stimulated so much new investigation and supported so many younger colleagues and students.”
The search to replace John “Jack” Horner has started in earnest, however, finding a replacement with the same charisma and with the same high regard in this field of scientific endeavour is going to prove difficult.
Everything Dinosaur is grateful to Montana State University for the compilation of this article.
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