Four, new Cyberzoic articulated models are now in stock at Everything Dinosaur. The Smilodon populator, two dinosaurs and the Arctic dragon have arrived.  These four models represent wave one of the new Cyberzoic range.  The Cyberzoic range is produced by the same company that introduced the Beasts of the Mesozoic figures.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur stated that he was delighted to have received these amazing articulated figures. Team members were busy contacting customers who had asked for a figure to be reserved.

Cyberzoic articulated models.

Four Cyberzoic models have arrived at Everything Dinosaur. The Achillobator giganticus (brown colouration), the huge Arctic dragon (Kuraokami), the new Allosaurus jimmadseni figure and the Smilodon populator (tan colouration). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Cyberzoic and Beasts of the Mesozoic Models.

Wave 1 of the Cyberzoic Articulated Models

The first four Cyberzoic figures are:

  • The Achillobator giganticus (brown colouration) the 1/18th scale model of a large dromaeosaurid.
  • Allosaurus jimmadseni an articulated model of an Allosaurus species formally named and described in 2020*
  • A 1/12 replica of a Smilodon populator in a tan colour scheme.
  • The first fantasy figure, an Arctic dragon named Kuraokami.  Kuraokami is a legendary Japanese dragon and Shinto deity of rain and snow.

* The blog post from Everything Dinosaur about the formal description of A. jimmadseniA New Species of Allosaurus is Described.

These are exciting and beautiful figures.  Moreover, more Cyberzoic figures are planned.  In addition to the animal models, the range will also include human figures too. Intriguingly, some of the dinosaur models can be “customised” with body armour.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur promised that all the customers who had requested further details or a figure reserving would be contacted quickly.  These figures are eagerly anticipated by collectors.  Furthermore, the models are supplied with collector cards and the package artwork is stunning.

The Everything Dinosaur website: Prehistoric Animal Models.