New Rebor Smilodon Models
Everything Dinosaur has opened a waitlist for the two new Rebor Smilodon models (plain and ice age colour variants). These exciting new Rebor models depicting Sabre-toothed cats are likely to be in stock at Everything Dinosaur in mid-December or thereabouts and collectors can join a waitlist on the company’s website so that they can get a priority email alert when these Smilodon replicas arrive.

Smilodon populator Models with Interchangeable Heads
These innovative and cleverly designed models come with two interchangeable heads so that the figures can be displayed with their impressive mouths open or closed.
Smilodon populator is known from the Pleistocene of South America and is regarded as the largest species within the Smilodon genus. With a bodyweight estimated at over 300 kilograms and with a shoulder height of around 1.2 metres, S. populator is one of the largest members of the cat family (Felidae).

To see the range of Rebor models in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Rebor Models.
Choose Your Favourite Stray Cat – Plain or Ice Age?
The models entitled Rebor Smilodon populator Museum Class Replica Deluxe Pack Stray Cat Ice Age and Rebor Smilodon populator Museum Class Replica Deluxe Pack Stray Cat Plain are the same sculpts but they have different colour schemes. The “Ice Age” colour variant (above), has a body patterning reminiscent of a Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia) and the sclera of the eyes is an icy blue colour. In contrast, the Rebor Smilodon populator Museum Class Replica Deluxe Pack Stray Cat Plain, (see below), carries the more traditional tan markings associated with this genus, in keeping with a predator of the open grasslands and scattered woodlands of South America.

Innovative Model Design
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“These are the first prehistoric mammal models made by Rebor and only their second mammal after their Alpha male Mountain Gorilla replicas. These beautiful Smilodon figures have been cleverly designed. Each model is supplied with two heads so collectors can choose to display their Sabre-toothed cat with the mouth open or with the mouth closed.”

Waitlist for these Models is Open
Everything Dinosaur expects these models to ship out from the factory sometime in late October and if all goes to plan, these stunning Smilodon figures should be in stock at Everything Dinosaur in December (2021). These models can be found on Everything Dinosaur’s website and collectors can join a waitlist for each figure so that they can receive a priority email alert when the stock arrives.

Both the Rebor Smilodon populator Museum Class Replica Deluxe Pack Stray Cat Plain and the Rebor Smilodon populator Museum Class Replica Deluxe Pack Stray Cat Ice Age models can be found on the Rebor section of Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website and collectors and Rebor fans have the chance to join a waitlist for each figure.
To enquire about reserving any Rebor models, contact Everything Dinosaur: Email Everything Dinosaur.
Rebor Smilodon populator Stray Cat Plain waitlist is here: Rebor Models and Figures.
Rebor Smilodon populator Stray Cat Ice Age waitlist is here: Rebor Smilodon populator Stray Cat – Ice Age.
Here are a couple of “Stray Cats” collectors and fans of the Rebor model range won’t mind bringing home.
The award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Prehistoric Animal Models.