New CollectA Models 2021 (Part 2)
Today, we introduce the second batch of new for 2021 CollectA prehistoric animals. Just like last week, Everything Dinosaur announces three new CollectA figures, but today we discuss two dinosaurs associated with England and a replica of a famous flying reptile:
- CollectA Deluxe Pteranodon in 1:15 scale – a replica of a giant Late Cretaceous pterosaur.
- A CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range Megalosaurus in ambush – a new version of the first dinosaur to be scientifically described.
- CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range Neovenator scenting prey – a large theropod, fossils of which are associated with Lower Cretaceous deposits found on the Isle of Wight.
The Megalosaurus and Neovenator models are due to be in stock at Everything Dinosaur in early 2021, whilst the CollectA Deluxe Pteranodon is scheduled to arrive later in the year.
The New for 2021 CollectA Deluxe Pteranodon Model (1:15 Scale)

CollectA Deluxe Pteranodon Model
The new for 2021 CollectA Deluxe Pteranodon is depicted in a grounded quadrupedal pose. It has an articulated jaw and from the crest shape, we determine that this model represents the Pteranodon longiceps species. The CollectA model possesses a brightly coloured throat pouch that reflects current scientific thinking about the anatomy of this piscivore and readers will note that this flying reptile has been depicted with a body covering of pycnofibres.
Intriguingly, this Pteranodon model has been given a tassel on the end of its tail. This genus of flying reptile has been extensively studied and although much Pteranodon fossil material associated with the famous Smoky Hill Chalk deposits of the Niobrara Formation of Kansas has been squashed flat, palaeontologists have noted unique features in its tail bones.
The tail of Pteranodon is much longer than the related Nyctosaurus, it is one of the longest tails of any known member of the Ornithocheiroidea and the bones at the very end of the tail have a unique shape. The most distal bones (tail bones furthest from the body), consist of two parallel thin rods, the function of which has been speculated upon by several pterosaur researchers. These bones could have supported a fin to assist with swimming, or perhaps these caudals could have formed the anchor points for some form of tail rudder or perhaps a display device.
A Close-up View of the “Tail Tassel” on the CollectA Deluxe Pteranodon Model
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Model designer Anthony Beeson has opted for the latter interpretation.
He commented:
“Uniquely the model has been given a tail ‘tassel’, perhaps used in mating rituals, suggested by the existence of the skeleton’s odd duplex centra and tail rods.”
CollectA Megalosaurus in Ambush
The second new figure we announce today is one of two new British theropod dinosaurs in the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular series – Megalosaurus bucklandii.
The New for 2021 CollectA Megalosaurus Dinosaur Model
CollectA will be introducing an updated and revised version of their Megalosaurus model that was introduced in 2010. The figure has been given a more bird-like posture and a series of raised spines over the hip region. The skull has been elongated reflecting what is seen in the cranial fossil material of related species within the Megalosauridae. Eagle-eyed dinosaur model collectors will also note that this new CollectA figure has lips, in-line with a current debate in palaeontology about the presence of oral tissues within the Theropoda and elsewhere.
Commenting on the Megalosaurus model, designer Anthony Beeson stated:
“The Middle Jurassic dinosaur Megalosaurus incorporates the recent suggestion of dinosaurs having lips. I have based the model with its elongated head on the anatomy of Torvosaurus, a close relative. The model was designed to show the theropod lying in wait for prey and hence the descriptive title of ‘Megalosaurus in ambush’. My thought was to see it placed within, or behind a glade of CollectA’s prehistoric plants.”
CollectA Neovenator Scenting Prey
The third and final CollectA model we reveal this week, is that of the Early Cretaceous predator Neovenator, fossils of which are known from the Lower Cretaceous Wessex Formation. This new figure will replace the Age of Dinosaurs Popular Neovenator model that was part of the second batch of prehistoric animal figures that CollectA produced.
The New for 2021 CollectA Neovenator Dinosaur Model
Strong Grasping Hands
The figure depicts the strong, grasping hands associated with this genus and the colour scheme is reminiscent of the 1:40 scale CollectA Deluxe Saltriovenator replica that came out earlier this year. It too, like the new Megalosaurus model sports a row of small, raised spines running the length of its body. These spines are more prominent at the back of the neck and across the hips. Once again, this new theropod figure has been given lips by the design team at CollectA.
It will make a fine partner to the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Mantellisaurus model, that was introduced in 2018, after all, the holotype specimen of Neovenator (N. salerii) was found in association with Mantellisaurus remains.
The head of the model has been beautifully painted with strong, yellow highlights. Analysis of the skull bones resulted in the publishing of a scientific paper (Tijani Barker et al, 2017), that proposed that this dinosaur had complex, neurovascular canals within its rostrum (snout), such structures are usually associated with aquatic animals and indicate an enhanced sensory function. Since there is no evidence of Neovenator being aquatic, perhaps its enhanced sense of smell helped it to detect prey, hence the descriptive title for this figure “Neovenator scenting prey”.
With the introduction of new Megalosaurus and Neovenator models, the earlier versions of these two theropods will be retired.
Out of Production the Earlier Neovenator and Megalosaurus Figures Made by CollectA

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Replicas and Prehistoric Animal Toys.
Model Measurements
- CollectA Deluxe Pteranodon in 1:15 scale – length 30. 5 cm, height 23.5 cm, width 12 cm.
- A CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Megalosaurus in ambush – length 16 cm, height 5 cm.
- CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Neovenator scenting prey – length 17 cm, height 6.2 cm.
The new CollectA Megalosaurus and Neovenator figures are due in stock at Everything Dinosaur early in 2021, with the CollectA Deluxe Pteranodon figure scheduled to arrive mid-2021.
To view the existing range of CollectA Deluxe models: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Animal Models.
CollectA models and figures: CollectA Prehistoric Life Models and Figures.
[…] la prima rivelazione della scorsa settimana, Everything Dinosaur svela altre tre specie della linea CollectA […]
Grazie per le gentili parole.
A bit disappointed about the size of the Megalosaurus and Neovenator, despite their overall appearance is great.
Thanks for your input, check out Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube video review which provides exclusive details on the new figures:
So is CollectA not making any modern day animals for next year? If not, then why?
As Everything Dinosaur is a specialist supplier of prehistoric animal models, we have only reported upon the new prehistoric animals from CollectA. There are a number of other new introductions for 2021 from CollectA in their other ranges – exotic shorthair cat, lobster, Mongolian stallion, Texax longhorn bull etc.