Scale Drawings of Iconic Invertebrates
Prehistoric animal model collectors will probably already know that CollectA is about to introduce a range of models of iconic invertebrates, animals such as a straight-shelled nautiloid, an ammonite, trilobite and an extant nautilus (Nautilus pompilius). These figures are due to be in stock at Everything Dinosaur very soon. As part of our preparations for the arrival of these replicas, our team members have been busy compiling fact sheets and data files on these key taxa.
Prehistoric Animal Model Fact Sheets
A Scale Drawing of the Nautilus
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“We have compiled hundreds of fact sheets over the years. They are supplied to our customers, being sent out with model purchases. For example, purchasers of the CollectA nautilus model from Everything Dinosaur will also be sent a free fact sheet about this amazing cephalopod. We have also prepared fact sheets on the straight-shelled nautiloid and the horseshoe crab.”
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
The New for 2020 CollectA Nautilus Model (N. pompilius)

A Horseshoe Crab Scale Drawing
Horseshoe Crab Scale Drawing

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
These invertebrate figures are due to arrive at Everything Dinosaur’s warehouse shortly. However, due to issues arising from the COVID-19 global pandemic affecting global logistics, we are unable to provide an exact date as to when these models will arrive. Followers of Everything Dinosaur on social media such as our Facebook page and newsletter subscribers will be alerted very quickly when these figures are in stock and available to purchase.
To view the range of CollectA Prehistoric Life models available from Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Prehistoric Life Models and Figures.
To view the range of CollectA Deluxe and scale replicas of prehistoric animals: CollectA Deluxe, Supreme and Scale Models.
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