CollectA Deluxe Protoceratops Video Preview
Everything Dinosaur is expecting to take delivery of the first batch of the new for 2020 CollectA prehistoric animal models in just a few weeks. One of the new figures will be the 1:6 scale replica of Protoceratops (P. andrewsi). To help dinosaur fans and model collectors to appreciate the superb detailing on this replica, we have made a short sixty second preview video. This is the first video that utilises our new turntable, this is really helpful when it comes to displaying dinosaur models and figures. We are proud to highlight the CollectA Deluxe Protoceratops.
Previewing Protoceratops – The CollectA Deluxe Protoceratops Dinosaur Model
Video credit: Everything Dinosaur
A CollectA 1:6 Scale Protoceratops Model
The CollectA Protoceratops measures around 24 cm in length and those bristles on the tail stand approximately 11 cm high. Everything Dinosaur has invested in a small turntable so that viewers of the company’s videos can get a really good look at prehistoric animal models and replicas. In this short video preview, the detail on the Protoceratops can be clearly seen, with features such as the articulated lower jaw and cloaca visible.
Coming into Stock at Everything Dinosaur Soon (Quarter 1 2020)
The CollectA Deluxe Protoceratops Model
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“The turntable permits us to display a model in such a way that viewers can get a really good look at the figure. We can operate the turntable in either a clockwise or an anti-clockwise direction, so our YouTube channel subscribers have a 360˚ view of the prehistoric animal on display. We intend to post up more videos providing previews of up and coming models in the future, after all, we have a lot of new dinosaurs coming into stock in the next two months or so.”
A Close-up View of the CollectA Deluxe Protoceratops Showing the Beautifully Detailed Head and the Articulated Lower Jaw

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
The YouTube channel of Everything Dinosaur is a great resource for dinosaur fans and prehistoric animal model collectors. The channel contains over 150 videos dedicated to dinosaurs and other forms of prehistoric life, with model reviews, collecting tips and previews of forthcoming replicas.
You can find the Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel here: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube. We recommend that blog readers subscribe to Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.
Everything Dinosaur stocks a huge range of prehistoric animals including a large number of scale models in the CollectA Deluxe series.
To purchase CollectA Deluxe models and figures: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life.
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