Papo Prehistoric Animal Model Retirements
Everything Dinosaur has teamed up with their chums over at the YouTube channel of JurassicCollectables to bring dinosaur model fans news about which models from the Papo “dinosaurs” range are being retired.
News may have already leaked out about which models Papo intends to release in 2019, Everything Dinosaur will make an official announcement soon about the new for 2019 models. However, in the meantime, here is a special press release in association with JurassicCollectables that provides information about which figures from the popular Papo range are being withdrawn.
Details of Papo Model Retirements for 2019 – JurassicCollectables Video Announcement
Video credit: JurassicCollectables
Papo Model Retirements
Everything Dinosaur has already released information about two Papo model retirements – the Papo Archaeopteryx and the Papo Tupuxuara pterosaur figure, back in October. In total, a further three models are being dropped, namely:
- Papo Allosaurus
- Papo running T. rex colour variant
- Papo Dimorphodon
Models Being Withdrawn by Papo in 2019

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Further Details
The Papo Archaeopteryx, first introduced in 2014, is being retired, it has been left out of the 2019 catalogue. The Papo Tupuxuara, which came out in 2015, is also being retired, but it will feature in the new for 2019 Papo catalogue which will be sent out to distributors in January. It has officially been retired but has been included in the catalogue print run to permit what limited stocks that are left to be sold.
The Papo Allosaurus model (55016), a stalwart of the range for many years is also being withdrawn. This figure is not in the 2019 Papo catalogue, it is being replaced by a new colour variant Allosaurus model. The Papo running T. rex colour variant (55057), which was introduced in 2016, has been retired. It too, is out of the new for 2019 catalogue, the idea is that whilst the green running T. rex will remain (55027), the first widely available colour variant will be superseded by the new, brown running T. rex model (55075).
Furthermore, the Papo Dimorphodon model (55063) is being dropped. This flying reptile was added in 2017, but it is not included in the new catalogue and it has been withdrawn.
Papo Prehistoric Animal Models
Some further news for fans of the Papo range, despite the introduction of a new colour variant Stegosaurus model (55079), the original Stegosaurus figure (55007), is still in the 2019 catalogue. Everything Dinosaur team members have speculated that it has been included for the time being, but it will most likely be withdrawn in the future.
To read Everything Dinosaur’s article about the retirement of the Papo Archaeopteryx and Tupuxuara models: Two Papo Prehistoric Animal Model Retirements.
The Papo Green Running T. rex Figure and the Original Version of the Stegosaurus Remain
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
For model reviews, updates on dinosaur figures and other fantastic prehistoric animal themed videos take a look at the amazing YouTube channel of JurassicCollectables: Subscribe to JurassicCollectables.
To view the Papo range of prehistoric animal models available from Everything Dinosaur: Papo Prehistoric Animal Models.
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