Drawing Dinosaurs Using Stencils
During our travels visiting schools, we get to meet lots of eager, young, enthusiastic learners and their equally enthusiastic teachers. We are always amazed at the carefully crafted and challenging schemes of work that have been devised for the children. All sorts of learning styles are catered for including visual and kinaesthetic learning styles. Whilst on one visit to a school to deliver a dinosaur and fossil themed workshop to a Reception class, we commented on the use of stencils that had helped the budding, young palaeontologists draw prehistoric animals. One of the members of the senior leadership team arranged for some examples of the children’s work to be posted to our offices.
Drawing Dinosaurs Using Stencils

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Colourful Prehistoric Animal Drawings in the Classroom
The large and spacious Foundation Stage 2 classroom had some beautiful dinosaur themed displays. There was even a volcano made from tissue paper on one side of the room. The children were eager to show our dinosaur expert their drawings. The stencils had certainly helped and the pupils demonstrated their learning by confidently naming each dinosaur that the stencils represented. They even told us what each dinosaur ate (herbivore or carnivore) and when the dinosaur lived (Jurassic or Cretaceous).
A Bright, Colourful Volcano

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Helping to Develop Motor Skills
Simple art and craft lesson plans can help young learners gain confidence and improve their motor skills. By drawing dinosaurs, children can practice their fine motor skills, essential when it comes to manipulating a pen, aiding the development of confident writers. We even saw some examples of the children’s hand-writing on display.
We hope the tridactyl dinosaur footprints we provided encourage the children to write their own names in the dinosaur track.
Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.