All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.
21 06, 2017

Tyrannosaur Skull from British Columbia

By |2023-07-27T09:41:57+01:00June 21st, 2017|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

Hiker Finds Part of a Tyrannosaur Skull Near Tumbler Ridge

Fossil hunter Rick Lambert was hiking in the Tumbler Ridge area of British Columbia when he spotted an unusual object partially exposed in a large rock.  It turns out the eagle-eyed chiropractor from Vancouver Island had found the maxilla bone from a tyrannosaur skull.    The maxilla is part of the upper jaw, this fossil and the teeth/teeth sockets that it contains, can help palaeontologists to identify the type of dinosaur down to genus level.

Tyrannosaur Skull Bone

This is the first dinosaur skull fossil material to have been found in this area and although the one-hundred-kilogram rock containing the fossil is not part of the local strata, it was probably moved to the site as part of a landscaping project, it’s discovery could help scientists to better understand the geographic distribution of a genus of tyrannosaur from the Late Cretaceous.

The Tumbler Ridge Tyrannosaur Skull Fossil (Maxilla)

Adult and juvenile T. rex fossil casts.

An adult T. rex and a juvenile T. rex skull cast on display. The maxilla bone has been highlighted in the adult skull fossil cast. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

A Significant Tyrannosaur Fossil Find

Large theropod footprints have been found in the Tumbler Ridge area in the past, indeed, this location has provided the palaeontologists based at the Peace Region Palaeontology Research Centre, which was established back in 2003 to study the fossils, with hundreds of dinosaur teeth, fragmentary bones as well as the remarkable trace fossils, but this upper jaw bone could be a real game changer for the region.

The director of the Peace Region Palaeontology Research Centre, Richard McCrea commented:

“We are in a frontier in British Columbia because there’s been no research in this area.  This is quite a jump for us.”

Having studied and worked in geology, Rick Lambert knew he had found something significant, but he had no idea how important his fossil find could prove to be.  Rick was used to finding fossils in the area, but he wasn’t expecting to find a bone from the skull of a theropod dinosaur, a skull that would have measured more than a metre in length.

Rick explained:

“I never expected to find something like that.  It’s not anything I actually kept my eye out for.  I thought at least they would have four or five of those in a drawer somewhere.”

An Illustration of a Typical Tyrannosaur Skull

T. rex skull labelled.

A diagram of a T. rex skull with the fenestrae in the top half of the skull labelled. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

For models and replicas of tyrannosaurs and other theropod dinosaurs: Theropod and Other Prehistoric Animal Models.

Identifying the Genus and Possibly the Species

McCrea said finding this specific piece of bone is significant because it can be used to determine the type of tyrannosaur it originated from.  Elements from the skull can be very helpful when it comes to identifying dinosaurs, however, the sandstone rock in which the fossil was found rules out a Tyrannosaurus rex.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur explained:

“The Cretaceous-aged exposures in this area, mostly date from the Upper Cretaceous but they are nowhere near young enough to permit the preservation of a T. rex or any close relative of that iconic dinosaur.  The sandstone block containing the fossil material is very similar in composition to nearby deposits that are around 74-75 million years old, many millions of  years younger than the Cenomanian/Turonian strata from this locality.  The sandstone dates from the Campanian, so the maxilla very probably comes from a member of the Tyrannosauridae family that lived during that time – something like an Albertosaurus or perhaps a large Gorgosaurus.”

From a Large Tyrannosaur

Roughly shaped like a reversed capital “C”, the fossil measures between 30 to 40 centimetres in length and is around 25 centimetres wide.  It is a sizeable bone, indicating that this belonged to a very large tyrannosaur, something in excess of eight metres in length.  Local palaeontologists calculate that the entire skull of this theropod, if it could be found, would measure over a metre.

The curator and collections manager at the Peace Region Palaeontology Research Centre, Dr Lisa Buckley commented:

“The exposed maxilla and teeth are eroded, but their shape is perfectly preserved, including fine details of the delicate serrations that form the cutting edge of the teeth. The specimen has twelve teeth evident, with the potential to expose more.  The tooth count and tooth shape make it likely that this is part of the skull of a tyrannosaurid like Albertosaurus, and is probably around 75 million years old.  We aim to establish the point of origin of this rock.”

The forested terrain, steep gullies and lack of roads in this part of British Columbia makes prospecting for fossils quite challenging, however, field team members and volunteers can study the sandstone formation from which the block came from in the hope of finding more elements from the skull.

An Illustration of a Typical Tyrannosaurid (Albertosaurus)

Albertosaurus illustrated.

May have been bigger, slightly heavier, with a stronger bite.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To read an article about theropod dinosaur prints found in the Tumbler Ridge area: Dinosaur Footprint Discovered in British Columbia.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

20 06, 2017

Year 2 Learn About Dinosaurs and Fossils

By |2023-07-27T09:03:47+01:00June 20th, 2017|Educational Activities, Main Page, Teaching|0 Comments

Hedgehog, Squirrel and Deer Study Dinosaurs

Children in Hedgehog, Deer and Squirrel classes (Year 2), at Newport Infant School have been busy learning all about fossils, dinosaurs and life in the past.  A member of the Everything Dinosaur teaching team was invited into the school to conduct fossil themed workshops and to help the children explore what studying prehistoric life can tell us about animals and plants that are alive today.  How can we help animals and plants that currently share our planet with us avoid extinction?

A Stegosaurus Dinosaur Model on Display in the Classroom

Stegosaurus dinosaur model.

Stegosaurus model on display.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores

As part of a rich, varied and challenging curriculum, the pupils have been reading “Dinosaurs and all that rubbish”, by Michael Foreman.  The teaching team, ably assisted by their teaching assistants had skilfully interwoven ideas about habitats and the diets of different animals into a wider theme looking at conservation and environmental issues.  Recently, the school had been home to some chickens, which the children now know are closely related to dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus rex.  Just like birds, dinosaurs laid eggs and a model of a dinosaur’s egg had been brought into school.

A Colourful Dinosaur Egg in Deer Class

Cracking fun! Dinosaur egg models.

The big crack suggests that the dinosaur egg is about to hatch!  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Half-term Class Projects

The Year 2 children were set some special challenges over half-term.  Could they make a three-dimensional model of a prehistoric animal?  The dinosaur and prehistoric animal replicas made a fantastic display in the classroom, what an amazing collection of dinosaurs!

Children Created Their Very Own Dinosaurs

Children in Year 2 made dinosaur models.

Year 2 children made dinosaur models.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view dinosaur themed gifts and toys: Dinosaur Themed Toys and Gifts.

Many of the children’s models had been made from recycled household items.  By recycling paper, collecting rubbish, saving water and ensuring that lights are switched off, the children are helping to protect our planet and prevent the Earth from having the problems it had in the story book written by Michael Foreman.

Extension Activities

During the course of the day, the eager, young palaeontologists learned some amazing dinosaur facts and our fossil expert set them some “pinkie palaeontologist challenges” to help support the teaching team’s lesson planning.  There was even time for some questions with one of the classes at the end of the afternoon.

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

19 06, 2017

Volcanic Eruptions Heralded Dawn of the Dinosaurs

By |2023-07-27T07:10:48+01:00June 19th, 2017|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Geology, Main Page|0 Comments

End-Triassic Mass Extinction Triggered by Volcanic Activity

The demise of the dinosaurs some sixty-six million years ago has been well documented.  This mass extinction event and its impact on the Dinosauria has been seared into the public’s consciousness with all the intensity of an asteroid impact, however, the domination of terrestrial ecosystems by dinosaurs may have been assisted by a period of intense, global volcanic activity some two hundred million years ago, an episode in deep geological time referred to as the end-Triassic mass extinction event.

Much of the Diverse Terrestrial Fauna of the Late Triassic Died Out

The diverse fauna of Triassic Argentina.

Diverse fauna of north-western Argentina in the Triassic.

Picture credit: Victor Leshyk

End-Triassic Mass Extinction

A team of researchers based at British universities have found that huge pulses of volcanic activity are likely to have played a major role in triggering the end-Triassic mass extinction event.  The early dinosaurs survived and with a lot of the competition removed, the scene was set for the domination of life on land by this Order of reptiles.

Scientists from the University of Exeter in collaboration with colleagues from Southampton University and the Department of Earth Science at the University of Oxford have published a paper that looks at the world-wide impact of immense gas emissions as a result of volcanism and their link to the end-Triassic extinction event.

Life on Earth at the End of the Triassic

Some fifty million years or so, after the “Great Dying” – the end-Permian extinction event that saw the demise of some 95% of all life on our planet, the end-Triassic extinction event led to wholesale changes in global ecosystems.  Numerous food webs on land and in the sea collapsed and many different types of animals and plants were affected.

The Landscape of the Triassic

A Triassic scene from the dinosaur timeline poster.

Triassic scene from the dinosaur timeline poster.

Major Casualties of the end-Triassic Extinction Event

  • Marine molluscs (especially gastropods and cephalopods)
  • Brachiopods
  • Bivalves
  • Marine sponges
  • Conodonts
  • Marine vertebrates – fish and many types of marine reptiles (a number of ichthyosaur genera along with the extinction of the placodonts and the Nothosauroidea)
  • Several families of archosaurs along with mammal-like reptiles and numerous types of amphibians
  • Large numbers of plants especially within the Lycopodiopsida (club mosses) and the Sphenopsida (horse tails)

Everything Dinosaur stocks a wide range of prehistoric animal replicas of animals that lived during the Triassic, including marine reptiles and replicas of terrestrial animals including dicynodonts and early archosaurs.

To view the range of scale models in stock: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life/World Figures.

Writing in the academic journal “The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America”, the researchers conclude that huge volumes of volcanic gas had a dramatic effect on life on Earth and slowed the recovery of ecosystems afterwards.

A Large and Abrupt Release of Carbon Dioxide

Following the discovery of volcanic rocks of approximately the same age as the extinction event, huge amounts of volcanic carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted into the atmosphere had previously been suggested as an important contributor to this mass extinction event.  Previous studies had also shown that this intense volcanism might have occurred in phases, over tens of thousands of years, but the global extent and potential impact of these volcanic episodes had remained unknown.  Extensive areas of flood basalt, a consequence of the volcanic activity, built up across much of the super-continent of Pangaea, these basalts are now found on four continents, a consequence of plate tectonics and the break-up of Pangaea.  These deposits are known as the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP).

By studying the level of mercury found within sedimentary rocks formed during the extinction phase, the scientists were able to reveal clear links in the timing of the CAMP formation and the end-Triassic extinction.  The intense volcanic activity released mercury into the environment, which spread across the planet, before being locked away in sediments.  Any rocks formed during extensive volcanism would therefore have a higher than normal mercury content.

Studying Sedimentary Deposits

The research team studied sedimentary deposits from six locations (Austria, Argentina, Canada, Greenland, Morocco and the UK).  The levels of mercury were analysed and five of the six records showed a sizeable increase in the mercury content at the beginning of the end-Triassic extinction horizon.  Other peaks were observed between the start of the extinction event and the Triassic-Jurassic boundary, which occurred around 200,000 years later.

The Researchers Studied Sedimentary Deposits from Morocco

Late Triassic sediments (Morocco).

Late Triassic sediments (Morocco) were part of the mercury study.

Picture credit: Jessica Whiteside

End-Triassic Mass Extinction Study

The higher levels of mercury coincided with previously established increases in atmospheric CO2 levels.  The volcanism would have produced vast amounts of carbon dioxide that would have affected the gaseous content of the atmosphere and led to periods of global warming.

One of the authors of the scientific paper, geologist Professor Stephen Hesselbo (Camborne School of Mines at Exeter University) commented:

“This volcanic activity is strongly believed to have led to one of the largest extinction events in the Earth’s history which, in turn, paved the way for the era of the dinosaurs.  By studying the sediment deposits in Europe, South America, North America and Africa, we have been able to show a large increase in levels of mercury, which shows a clear link between this volcanic activity – specifically from very large lava flows – and the mass extinction in the era.  It’s a fascinating discovery that paves the way to enhance our understanding of this and other significant climate change events.”

In a press release, lead author Lawrence Percival, a geochemistry graduate student at Oxford University stated:

“These results strongly support repeated episodes of volcanic activity at the end of the Triassic, with the onset of volcanism during the end-Triassic extinction.  This research greatly strengthens the link between the Triassic mass extinction and volcanic emissions of CO2.  This, further evidence of episodic emissions of volcanic CO2 as the likely driver of the extinction, enhances our understanding of this event, and potentially of other climate change episodes in Earth’s history.”

To read a related article on the rise of the Dinosauria: Extreme Equatorial Climates Slowed the Rise of the Dinosaurs.

18 06, 2017

Great News! Everything Dinosaur Continues to Top Feedback Charts

By |2024-04-01T10:22:08+01:00June 18th, 2017|Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Main Page, Press Releases|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur Highly Rated on FEEFO

Customers of Everything Dinosaur, the UK-based dinosaur company staffed by real dinosaur experts continue to rate the company’s products and customer service extremely highly.  The latest set of independent reviews published by FEEFO gives Everything Dinosaur a 4.9 rating out of 5 for customer service.

Everything Dinosaur Customer Service Rating by FEEFO (4.9 out of 5)

Everything Dinosaur rated very highly by FEEFO.

FEEFO customer service rating 4.9 out of 5 stars. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To read all the FEEFO published reviews about Everything Dinosaur: Everything Dinosaur on FEEFO.

Everything Dinosaur has a customer service rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars and a product rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars, that’s a 98% customer service rating and a 96% product rating respectively, very high marks indeed.

Everything Dinosaur Continues to Perform Exceptionally Well

Everything Dinosaur FEEFO rating.

Everything Dinosaur FEEFO ratings (mid July 2017). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur/FEEFO

What is FEEFO?

FEEFO is an organisation that collects independent, verified reviews from customers.  These represent genuine feedback about Everything Dinosaur’s customer service and the products that it supplies on the company’s website: Everything Dinosaur’s Website.  Founded in 2010, FEEFO now provides rating information on over 2,500 organisations and on-line shoppers can rely on FEEFO for their transparency and honest feedback concerning a company.

A spokesperson for Everything Dinosaur commented:

 “We are grateful for all the feedback we get from our customers.  The FEEFO ratings provide visitors to our website with independent, impartial feedback about Everything Dinosaur’s products and the way in which we look after our customers.  Such feedback, reviews and comments can give site visitors confidence that when they make a purchase at Everything Dinosaur, no matter where they are in the world, they can be confident that they are dealing with a highly respected organisation and brand.”

The FEEFO feedback module was added to Everything Dinosaur, when the new, revised and updated website was launched back in February (2017).  In the eighteen weeks or so since the new website went live, the company has received over 132 customer reviews and 243 product reviews, of which only 4 reviews give products three-stars, the rest, (over 98%), are either five-star or four-star product ratings.

In addition, Everything Dinosaur has now logged 1,629 product reviews on its own website product pages.

Shopping for Dinosaur Models and Prehistoric Animal Toys

So, when shopping for dinosaur models and prehistoric animal toys, Everything Dinosaur would be a very good place to start!  Several hundred independent product and customer reviews suggest that Everything Dinosaur is very reliable, good to do business with and offers excellent products.

Everything Dinosaur would like to express its gratitude to all our customers who have taken the time to leave feedback about our business.

Thank you.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

17 06, 2017

Sensational Theropod Tracks and Ornithopod Tracks

By |2024-05-09T08:17:14+01:00June 17th, 2017|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page|6 Comments

Distinguishing Theropod tracks from Ornithopod Tracks

Recently, Everything Dinosaur posted an article about a new study of the Dinosaur Stampede National Monument (Queensland, Australia), in which a three-dimensional Australovenator foot was used to assess what type of dinosaur was responsible for producing a set of eleven, large, three-toed footprints.  In this innovative research, conducted by scientists from the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History and the University of Newcastle (New South Wales), it was concluded that the tracks could have been made by a meat-eating dinosaur.

Theropod and Ornithopod Tracks

Previous research had challenged the interpretation that the trace fossil site preserves evidence of a dinosaur stampede as a substantial group of smaller plant-eating dinosaurs evaded an attack from a big theropod.

Other interpretations of the Dinosaur Stampede National Monument have suggested that the hundreds of tracks preserved at this location, some seventy miles south of the town of Winton in Queensland, do not represent evidence of a large, meat-eating dinosaur attacking a flock of smaller dinosaurs.  Some scientists have contradicted this analysis and proposed that the bigger, tridactyl tracks were made by a big ornithopod, a herbivorous dinosaur, something like a Muttaburrasaurus.

Could the Larger Tracks at the Dinosaur Stampede National Monument have been made by a Muttaburrasaurus?

Muttering like a Muttaburrasaurus.

Muttaburrasaurus scale drawing.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The picture (above) shows a Muttaburrasaurus scale drawing. The drawing is based upon a dinosaur model from the CollectA range.

To view this range of prehistoric animal models: CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Models.

The Confusion Between Bipedal Plant-eaters and Bipedal Meat-eaters

Having published our article, we were then emailed and asked to explain how it was possible to confuse the footprints of a large bipedal, herbivorous dinosaur with those of an equally sized carnivorous dinosaur.  So, here are some pointers about the differences between the types of tracks, plus an explanation as to why it can be so hard to pin down which type of bipedal dinosaur left prints and tracks.

For those scientists that study dinosaur footprints, being able to distinguish the prints from a meat-eating theropod from those of a large, herbivorous ornithopod is a challenging task.  If the prints are ideally preserved with lots of detail, identification can be relatively straight-forward, if the body fossils of a dinosaur could be found close by, then there would be further evidence to support a diagnosis, but sadly, discovering exquisitely preserved dinosaur tracks – these are very rare events indeed!

It is Not Easy Identifying/Classifying Dinosaur Footprints

Huge dinosaur footprint spotted at a school.

A huge dinosaur footprint spotted at a school. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

An Identification Guide

The track made by a theropod dinosaur (the pes of a meat-eating dinosaur), if perfectly preserved, should show sizeable claw marks on the end of the toes.  The toes themselves should look quite slender and in general terms the print should look longer than it is wide.  The length of the foot when compared to the width should give the track a characteristic “v shape”.

The well-preserved track of a large ornithopod, a plant-eater should lack distinctive claw marks.  The ends of the toes should be more blunt and rounded in appearance.  The toes tend to be quite wide and the foot proportions are different.  For example, the foot may be much wider.  The wider pes as a proportion of overall foot length gives the track a “u shape”.

Ornithopod versus Theropod Footprint – Identification Guide

Comparing different types of dinosaur footprint. Studying dinosaur tracks.

Theropod print compared to an ornithopod print. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Identifying the Dinosaur from the Footprint – Problems

The fact that something so ephemeral as a single track or a trackway can survive for millions of years is remarkable.  However, over time these trace fossils can become distorted making identification extremely difficult.  Features, once very striking are easily masked by the effect of weathering and erosion.  Any repairs undertaken or attempts to preserve the prints could also lead to the loss of definition, causing further problems when it comes to making an assessment as to what type of animal produced the tracks.

Unauthorised attempts to make casts could also result in considerable damage to the track(s) thus further hampering identification.

It does not matter, whether the track represents a natural cast (created by sediments filling in a track), or whether it is a true track (the impression preserved in the ground made by the foot itself), determining what type of creature made the prints is an extremely difficult process.  Some of the most difficult tracks to interpret of all are undertracks.  An undertrack is formed below the sediment as surface material is compressed downwards as the organism moved across the area.  These undertracks lack many types of marks made only at the surface, scratches, scuffs, clear claw impressions or any evidence of a tail drag.

The thousands of dinosaur tracks at the Lark Quarry site (Dinosaur Stampede National Monument), are truly a remarkable record of the behaviour and activity of a group of dinosaurs.  What exactly those tracks represent is open to different interpretations – but that’s science for you.

Further articles on the Lark Quarry dinosaur tracks:

Could Australovenator have made some of the tracks at Lark Quarry?: Lark Quarry Dinosaur Footprints – Scientists Re-examine the Evidence.

Lark Quarry Tracks Re-examined: A New Interpretation of the Lark Quarry Fossils.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

16 06, 2017

Australovenator Steps into the Famous Lark Quarry Dinosaur Debate

By |2024-05-09T08:17:43+01:00June 16th, 2017|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page|0 Comments

Scientists Reconstruct Dinosaur Foot to Help Interpret Tracksite

The famous dinosaur tracks at Lark Quarry, (Dinosaur Stampede National Monument), near the town of Winton (Queensland, Australia),  have been the subject of research for decades.  Unlike dinosaur bones and teeth that can be transported a huge distance from the place where the dinosaur died, footprints and tracks preserve evidence of activity and behaviour.  The majority of trace fossils provide direct, in situ evidence of the environment at the time and location where the animal was living.

Different Interpretations of the Dinosaur Tracks

At Everything Dinosaur, we think the first, formal attempt to interpret the numerous dinosaur tracks preserved in the finely grained sandstone at the Lark Quarry site took place in 1984.  Eleven, large, three-toed prints were interpreted as having been made by a big meat-eating dinosaur that had lunged at a flock of small ornithopods that it had cornered.

The tracks were interpreted as a “dinosaur stampede” as the smaller plant-eating dinosaurs panicked and tried to avoid the jaws of a ten-metre-long theropod.  The ichno genus (a name given to an animal known only from trace fossils), Tyrannosauropus was erected.  Over the years, a number of other interpretations have been put forward, including the hypothesis that the big tri-dactyl prints don’t represent a predator but were made by a large ornithopod, something akin to a Muttaburrasaurus.  Other interpretations of this famous fossil site include that the tracks were made by dinosaurs as they swam and waded across a body of water.

Swimming Dinosaurs Hypothesis: Dinosaurs Not Stampeding but Swimming.

No Tyrannosauropus at Lark Quarry After All: Lark Quarry Tracks Made by a Big Plant-Eating Dinosaur.

Dinosaur Foot Reconstruction – A New Analysis of the Tracks

Distinguishing between the three-toed prints of meat-eating dinosaurs and those of similar sized plant-eaters, which also walked on three toes is a tricky business.  However, in an innovative piece of research, a team of scientists from from the University of Newcastle (New South Wales) and the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History in Winton, set about reconstructing the foot of an Australian Theropod dinosaur Australovenator wintonensis in a bid to reproduce the tracks in similar sediment, which could then be compared to the fossil trackway.

Reconstructing the Foot of Australovenator

Foot model helping to interpret Lark Quarry tracks.

Reconstructing the left foot of Australovenator.

Picture credit: PeerJ

The picture above shows (A) calculating the claw length of Australovenator and (B-D) the four claws associated with the left foot of the dinosaur with reconstructed sheaths.  The bones of the foot have been reconstructed (F) and using Emu feet for an anatomical comparison, (G) shows the foot reconstructed with tendons added, whilst (H) is the skin covered biologically restored foot (left pes) of Australovenator.

Australovenator wintonensis

A three-dimensional foot of Australovenator was created as fossils of this Megaraptoran theropod are known from similar aged strata as the Lark Quarry tracks.  In addition, Australovenator is the only meat-eating dinosaur from Australia which has had its foot bones discovered.  The researchers used a variety of substrates to test the prints, scuff marks and scratches made by the large dinosaur and they concluded that their recreated impressions were reminiscent of the trace fossils.  This suggests that the eleven, large, three-toed tracks at Lake Quarry (now known as the Dinosaur Stampede National Monument), could have been made by an Australovenator-like carnivorous dinosaur.

An Illustration of Australovenator wintonensis Crossing the Lark Quarry Sediments

Australovenator footprint study.

Australovenator making tracks.

Picture credit: Travis R. Tischler

The CollectA Australovenator Dinosaur Model

Australovenator was a member of the Allosauria clade of theropod dinosaurs.  Fossils of this six-metre-long carnivore were discovered in 2006.  Although the fossil material was far from complete, the Australovenator genus was formally erected by Australian palaeontologist Scott Hucknull in 2009.  CollectA introduced a model of Australovenator just three years after the scientific description.  Models of Megaraptoran theropods are quite rare, it is great to see that CollectA have added an Australovenator replica to their “Prehistoric Life” model range.

To visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

The CollectA Australovenator Dinosaur Model

The CollectA Australovenator dinosaur model.

The CollectA Australovenator replica.

To view the full range of CollectA dinosaur and prehistoric animal models: CollectA Prehistoric Life Models.

16 06, 2017

From Dinosaurs to the Stone Age

By |2023-07-27T08:37:44+01:00June 16th, 2017|Key Stage 1/2|Comments Off on From Dinosaurs to the Stone Age

Year 3 and Year 4 Explore Fossils

Children in Lower Key Stage 2 at The Acorns Primary and Nursery School have been enjoying learning about the Stone Age and prehistoric life.  Under the enthusiastic tutelage of the teaching team, the three classes that make up Lower Key Stage 2 cohort have been developing their writing skills as well as investigating how fossils form and researching Mary Anning.  We hope that the tongue twister “she sells sea shells on the sea shore” will help to inspire the children with their creative writing.

Examples of Cursive Handwriting Form Part of the Stone Age Display

Everything Dinosaur and exploring the Stone Age.

Examples of cursive writing. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Mary Anning and a Broad and Balanced Scheme of Work

The pupils were set lots of exciting challenges during our dinosaur and fossil themed workshops.  Our dinosaur expert ensured that the activities that were proposed fitted in with the learning objectives set by the teachers.  For example, looking at Woolly Mammoth fossils led onto introducing the idea of the class producing a piece of fiction writing imagining what it would have been like to go on a Woolly Mammoth hunt.  One young girl proposed writing her story based on the viewpoint of the Mammoth – what a super idea!

With such an interesting topic, there is plenty of scope to introduce cross-curricular activities.  Class 4ML have been looking at life in the rainforest and threats to existing habitats, the opportunity to learn more about extinction events and climate change certainly resonated with the young audience.  We asked the Year 4 children to undertake independent research on the bizarre Coelacanth, a fish thought to have died out with the dinosaurs but now sadly, seriously threatened due to loss of habitat and the encroachment of human activity.  The children loved the idea of learning about a fish that was the same colour as their school jumpers.

A Coelacanth Model – The Story of the Coelacanth – Helping to Link Topic Areas

Mojo Fun Coelacanth model.

A very bright and colourful Mojo Fun Coelacanth model. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The picture (above) shows a Mojo Fun Coelacanth figure.  It is one of their models in the “Prehistoric and Extinct” model series.

To view this range: Mojo Fun Prehistoric and Extinct Models.

Making Fossils

Several very impressive plaster casts of fossils were prominently displayed.  The children were keen to demonstrate their understanding by explaining what fossils are and how they form.  The replica fossils included some amazing bivalves and snail shells.  During the workshop, the children got the chance to handle real fossils including some “gigantic”, “enormous” ammonites.  The ammonite shells reminded the children of snail shells, our fossil expert explained that snails and ammonites are distantly related and in a practical fish catching exercise, illustrated why ammonites, squid and octopi are classified as cephalopods.

Lots of Carefully Crafted Plaster Cast Fossils on Display

Lots of amazing plaster fossils.

Lots of amazing plaster fossils. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Once back in the office, we were able to email over some more resources to help the teaching team.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

15 06, 2017

Curious African Cynodont Turns up in Brazil

By |2023-07-26T10:43:25+01:00June 15th, 2017|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Main Page, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

Aleodon from Africa Present in Brazilian Triassic Rocks

A team of international researchers have reported the discovery of fossils attributed to the African cynodont Aleodon in Middle-early Late Triassic rocks from several locations in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (southern Brazil).  Prior to these fossil finds, this protomammal (a member of the Probainognathidae family), a distant ancestor of modern mammals, was only known from Africa.

A Scale Drawing of the Skeleton of Aleodon (A. cromptoni)

Aleodon scale drawing. A curious cynodont from Brazil.

The known bones of Aleodon are shown in yellow.

Picture credit: PLOS ONE

In the picture above the known bones attributed to Aleodon (A. cromptoni) are shown in yellow and a cat provides a scale comparison.

A Curious Cynodont Living Alongside Dinosaur Precursors

Writing in the on-line academic journal “PLOS ONE”, the researchers, which include Agustín Martinelli (Universidade Federal of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), conclude that fossils previously thought to represent another cynodont – Chiniquodon actually are Aleodon specimens, as such they are the first of this genus to be found outside of Africa.  The carnivorous Aleodon lived alongside basal members of the Dinosauria and other types of archosaur, as well as numerous mammal-like reptiles, including the giant herbivore Dinodontosaurus.  The fossils of Dinodontosaurus are so numerous that they are used to date the relative age of the strata in this part of southern Brazil.  All the fossils ascribed to Aleodon, including cranial material and teeth come from the Dinodontosaurus Assemblage Zone.

Aleodon Skull Material and Line Drawing (Aleodon cromptoni)

Aleodon skull and line drawing.

Skull in left lateral view with accompanying line drawing. Scale bar = 50 mm.

Picture credit: PLOS ONE

Namibian and Tanzanian Fossils

The Aleodon genus was first erected based on fossil material discovered in Tanzania and Namibia.  The South American material was compared to the African specimens and a new species of Aleodon, a sister taxon to the African species was named.  The new Aleodon species honours Dr Alfred “Fuzz” Crompton, who established the genus in 1955 with the naming of A. brachyrhamphus.

In a reassessment of the African fossil material, a specimen form Namibia which was thought to represent a member of the related family, the Chiniquodontidae or possibly a member of the Traversodontidae may actually be an Aleodon.  The scientists also identified as Aleodon a total of seven specimens from the Rio Grande do Sul region.  Phylogenetic analysis indicated that Aleodon cromptoni may be, as suspected, a species in the Chiniquodontidae family.

Whilst the research work was hampered due to the incomplete and partial specimens, the authors note that the identification of these Late Triassic Aleodon fossils in Brazil strengthens the correlation between probainognathians from this epoch in South America and in Africa.

Part of the Upper Jaw of A. cromptoni with Line Drawing

Upper jaw fossil material (Aleodon cromptoni).

Photographs and accompanying drawings of right maxilla MPDC-501-117 in lateral (A), ventral (B), and medial views (C). Scale bar equals 10 mm

Picture credit: PLOS ONE

For Triassic prehistoric animal models and figures: Prehistoric Animal Models and Figures.

14 06, 2017

Win with Everything Dinosaur! A Free to Enter Competition

By |2024-05-09T08:18:14+01:00June 14th, 2017|Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Main Page, Press Releases|0 Comments

Win a Pair of Tickets to the Amazing Dinosaurs of China Exhibition

Win a pair of tickets to the Dinosaurs of China Exhibition in Nottingham (UK).

Please note: this competition is now closed.

Everything Dinosaur has another super prize draw giveaway.   We have a pair of tickets to the amazing Dinosaurs of China Exhibition being held in Nottingham (UK) this summer.  The Dinosaurs of China exhibition features an amazing collection of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals, with many of the specimens travelling outside of Asia for the first time.  From “ground shakers to feathered flyers” – this brilliant dinosaur exhibition is not to be missed!

The main exhibition is being held at Wollaton Hall & Deer Park in Nottingham with a satellite exhibition taking place at the Nottingham Lakeside Arts Centre.  This once in a lifetime event runs from July 1st to October 29th.

Win a Pair of Tickets to the Dinosaurs of China Exhibition

Win tickets in Everything Dinosaur's Prize Draw

Win a pair of tickets to visit the Dinosaurs of China exhibition in Nottingham.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Everything Dinosaur has a pair of tickets to giveaway in our free to enter prize draw.

Win a Pair of Tickets to the Dinosaurs of China Exhibition

To enter, simply “like” the post on Everything Dinosaur’s FACEBOOK , page and leave a comment.  Or leave a comment on this blog post.  Tell us what you would like us to write about on the Everything Dinosaur blog and that’s it – you are entered into the prize draw to win a pair of tickets!

It would be great if you could also “like” our Facebook page, it’s not mandatory, but “liking” the Everything Dinosaur Facebook page would ensure that you don’t miss out on future competitions and promotions.  Feel free to share our prize draw with your friends!

Everything Dinosaur on FACEBOOK: “LIKE” our Facebook post, comment and enter the competition!

We will draw the lucky winner at random and the ticket prize draw giveaway closes at midnight (BST) on  Friday 30th June.  Good luck and we look forward to reading your comment.

To view Everything Dinosaur’s range of dinosaur toys and models including some “ground shakers and feathered flyers”: Visit Everything Dinosaur’s Website.

Terms and Conditions for the Everything Dinosaur Win a Pair of Tickets Prize Draw

  • Automated entries are not permitted and will be excluded from the draw
  • Only one entry per person
  • The prize (a pair of tickets for the Dinosaurs of China exhibition), is non-transferable and no cash alternative will be offered
  • Open to UK residents, 16 years and upwards (excluding employees and relatives of Everything Dinosaur staff members)
  • To enter you must leave a comment on the Everything Dinosaur Facebook promotional post at: Everything Dinosaur on Facebook and leave a comment about what you would like us to write about in our blog OR leave a comment on this blog post – one comment per person
  • The Everything Dinosaur ticket prize draw runs until midnight (BST) on Friday 30th June 2017
  • The winner will be chosen at random and they will be contacted by a reply to the comment plus a Facebook message with 7 days of the competition closing date.  The winner will need to respond within 28 days or a new winner will be selected.
  • A prize (a pair of tickets) will be despatched by the event organisers, once Everything Dinosaur has confirmed the delivery address.  The winner will have to state a preferred date and time for their visit
  • The prize does not include travelling expenses or any accommodation
  • The promoter is Everything Dinosaur
  • By entering the prize draw giveaway, participants confirm that they have read, understood and agreed the terms and conditions of the competition
  • This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook

Please note: this competition is now closed.

13 06, 2017

Introducing New Mojo Fun Dinosaur Models

By |2024-05-09T08:18:46+01:00June 13th, 2017|General Teaching|Comments Off on Introducing New Mojo Fun Dinosaur Models

Everything Dinosaur Adds Mojo “Prehistoric and Extinct” Models

The UK-based, on-line retailer Everything Dinosaur has added the Mojo “Prehistoric and Extinct” model range to its extensive portfolio of prehistoric animal and dinosaur replicas.  Mojo Fun models to be added to the range.  The company, which has been supplying the educational sector with dinosaur and fossil themed teaching resources for more than a decade, has introduced this range because the robust, hand-painted replicas are ideal for creative play and feature a number of animals that can help with coursework related to adaptation, genetics and extinction, all cornerstones of the national science curriculum in England.

The Mojo Hunting Tyrannosaurus rex Dinosaur Model

Mojo hunting Tyrannosaurus rex.

Mojo hunting T. rex dinosaur model.

To view the range of educational Mojo prehistoric animal models stocked by Everything Dinosaur: Mojo Fun Models – “Prehistoric and Extinct”.

Mojo Fun Models

Mojo was founded in 2009 and the company has grown quickly, becoming a highly respected producer of animal replicas since the very first range of models was introduced in January 2011.  Mojo’s mission is to create the finest quality, educational replicas available on the market.  Product safety is paramount to Mojo.  Every figure in the Mojo range is rigorously tested and fulfils all current worldwide safety standards.  All the replicas in the “Prehistoric and Extinct” range are suitable for children from three years and upwards making them ideal for schools and home education.

Mojo Models Can Be Used to Help Learn About the Stone Age

Prehistoric mammal models from Mojo. Models of early mammals.

A selection of prehistoric animal models from the Mojo “Prehistoric and Extinct” range.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Stone Age and Ice Age

With many schools introducing a scheme of work that explores life in the Stone Age, the Mojo Woolly Mammoth models can help children to learn more about the kinds of animals that once roamed Britain, Woolly Mammoths and Sabre-toothed Cats for example.

These replicas can be used in the production of classroom dioramas or for motivating students to undertake independent research.  The Mojo Woolly Mammoths also make handy props when exploring such issues as adaptation and extinction.  At Everything Dinosaur, we have come across many examples of models such as these being used to inspire children as they explore the likely causes of the extinction of the Woolly Mammoth, this in turn, leads on to such concepts as climate change and the impact of our species on the environment.

Learning About Extinctions

With a focus on working scientifically, the teaching curriculum provides flexibility in how learning objectives are achieved.  Children in upper Key Stage 2 are expected to learn about Darwinism and evolution, helpful preparation, as in Year 7 the science of genetics is introduced and runs through to Key Stage 4.   The Mojo Fun model range includes replicas of some recently extinct animals, the Quagga for example, an excellent way to illustrate the science of selective breeding to encourage certain characteristics and traits within a population.

The Mojo Quagga Model

Mojo Quagga replica.

The Mojo Quagga model.

A focus of science teaching in secondary schools that follow the national curriculum (England), is to help pupils develop a deeper understanding of the range of scientific ideas in biology.  Giving pupils the opportunity to learn about the extinction of the Quagga and the on-going attempts to resurrect this sub-species of Plains Zebra, helps to reinforce teaching about genetics and genetic engineering as well as providing important cross-curricular links into history, human population dynamics and the impact of climate change.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

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