Abbey Hey Primary Pupils Imagine Remarkable Prehistoric Animals
Year 1 Design Dinosaurs
Last month, a member of the Everything Dinosaur team visited Abbey Hey Primary Academy to work with the Year 1 classes as they studied dinosaurs and fossils. During our dinosaur and prehistoric animal themed workshop, we challenged the eager, junior palaeontologists to have a go at designing their very own dinosaur. The dedicated teachers kindly sent us a set of the children’s drawings and dinosaur designs and what a wonderful display they make.
Year 1 Children at Abbey Hey Primary Academy Design Dinosaurs
Picture credit: Year 1 (Abbey Hey Primary Academy/Everything Dinosaur)
We laid out all the colourful dinosaur designs on the floor of our warehouse. Once we had carefully sorted them and laid them out we took a photograph (see above). We can’t wait to pin them all up onto our warehouse notice board.
Thinking of a Name for Your Dinosaur
As part of a series of carefully thought out extension activities, our dinosaur expert challenged the children to label their dinosaur’s body parts. Once they had done this, could they think of a suitable name for their prehistoric animal? We received lots of lovely examples, with some super labelling, well done Year 1! The names the children came up with were very imaginative also, we loved Madison’s purple “Maddisonodon” (see below) for example.
A Very Purple Dinosaur by Madison
Picture credit: Madison in Year 1 at Abbey Hey Primary Academy/Everything Dinosaur
Fabulous Prehistoric Animals
In addition, we had a long-necked dinosaur called “Indiaraptor“, spiky dinosaurs, and a scary looking “Levirex“, what super prehistoric animal names!
Flying reptiles were also included in the extension activity and we received some very colourful pictures of pterosaurs (flying reptiles), all with lovely labelling.
To learn more about Everything Dinosaur’s science outreach work: Email Everything Dinosaur.
A Very Carefully Drawn and Labelled Flying Reptile
Picture credit: Year 1 Abbey Hey Primary Academy/Everything Dinosaur
The teacher who kindly sent in the pictures included a note:
“We hope you like our lovely imaginary dinosaurs all with unique names”.
We certainly did and the drawings have been put up on display in our warehouse. Our thanks to all the children in Year 1 and their teachers at Abbey Hey Primary Academy.
Visit Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Everything Dinosaur.