Reception Class Learn All About Dinosaurs

Last month a team member from Everything Dinosaur visited Egerton Primary School (Cheshire), to conduct a dinosaur themed workshop with the Reception class.  The children really enjoyed handling all the fossils and learning about prehistoric animals such as Tyrannosaurus rex, ammonites and Triceratops.


As part of our work with schools we always try to provide extension materials and ideas for activities to help the teaching team reinforce learning.  For example, our fossil expert challenged the children to have a go at writing a dinosaur fact within a dinosaur footprint.  This morning, amongst all our correspondence we found an envelope from the school and within it there was a set of wonderful dinosaur footprints, showcasing the handwriting of the children.

A Dinosaur Footprint Themed Writing Exercise

A collection of dinosaur footprints sent in to Everything Dinosaur by Reception children.

A collection of dinosaur footprints sent in to Everything Dinosaur by Reception children.

Picture credit: Egerton Primary School

Helping to Gain Confidence with Writing

 The dinosaur footprint exercise helps to build confidence with writing.  Using a cut-out dinosaur footprint, the challenge for the children is whether they can produce a piece of writing within the confined area of the footprint.  This helps develop hand-to-eye co-ordination as well as helping the children develop their concentration.  A simple handwriting exercise such as this assists with finger spacing of words and enables the children to write about a fact they had learned or perhaps something that they did during the dinosaur workshop.

Thank You Very Much Everything Dinosaur

A thank you note from a child in Reception class.

A thank you note from a child in Reception class.

Picture credit: Egerton Primary School

“Dinosaur Mike” enjoyed working with the children.  They were very enthusiastic and eager to learn.

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s website: Visit Everything Dinosaur.

Design a Dinosaur

As well as the examples of handwriting we also received some beautiful dinosaur and flying reptile drawings.  We challenged the children to have a go at designing their very own prehistoric animal.  Could they label the body parts such as the skull, the teeth and the claws?

A Wonderful Dinosaur Design by Emily (Reception Class)

A colourful drawing of a flying reptile (Pterosaur).

A colourful drawing of a flying reptile (pterosaur).

Picture credit: Egerton Primary School

The picture above shows a very colourful drawing of a flying reptile (pterosaur) by young Emily in a Reception class.  We love the name “Emilyosaurs” – very creative.

These children at Foundation Stage 2 (Reception), produced some fantastic prehistoric animal drawings and many of them had wings, it seems that pterosaurs are particularly popular at Egerton Primary this year.  Super labelling of the body parts – well done all!

For models and replicas of pterosaurs and other prehistoric creatures: CollectA Prehistoric Life Models and Figures.