Preparing an “Everything Dinosaur” Signature
Icon Required for Everything Dinosaur Signature Image
Team members at Everything Dinosaur were asked to produce a signature image the other day, something that would be instantly recognisable as to what we do and what we represent. Fortunately, we are getting a little better at managing Photoshop and we have built up a very large database of images to choose from.
Everything Dinosaur
A number of ideas were put forward, all of them featuring dinosaurs with members of our small team. From this list, three templates were moved on from the “drawing board” stage and we began to work on them using Photoshop. Once these three had been prepared as “psd” documents, no mean feat, and a task that took one of our team members a couple of hours to complete, a vote was taken as to which one we should use as a signature.
The Winning Image/Signature
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Tyrannosaurus rex Image Chosen
The image had to feature a dinosaur and we chose Tyrannosaurus rex. T. rex has come out as number one every year in our annual poll of the most popular prehistoric animals, so it was quite an easy choice. Our logo and website had to be included and after this it was simply a case of creating the right sized logo and combining all the elements together. Once we were happy, the image/signature was converted to jpg format and it could go live.
Then it was simply a question of putting the link code into the signature so that it could direct visitors to the appropriate part of our web presence and that was that. Not to sure about the toothy grin though [not referring to the T. rex either].
To view the range of prehistoric animal gifts and toys available from Everything Dinosaur: Everything Dinosaur.