Working out what a Juvenile Dracorex Might Look Like
Yesterday, we published a couple of images of new models by Safari Ltd. The 2012 product catalogue produced by this American company depicted a scene with one of their new Wild Safari Dinos models – Dracorex very prominent. We commented on this picture and changed the original pterosaur image from a Rhamphorhynchus which lived during the Jurassic, replacing it with an image of the Carnegie Collectibles Quetzalcoatlus, which is more in keeping with the Late Cretaceous, the time when Dracorex lived. We decided to modify the image and add a juvenile Dracorex to the scene.
Juvenile Dracorex
We mentioned that it would be interesting to try and re-size an image of the Dracorex replica, alter the colouration slightly and then re-insert into the artwork so that a juvenile pachycephalosaur could be included. Using our limited photoshop skills, team members at Everything Dinosaur set about altering the picture so that a young dinosaur could be depicted.
The Safari Ltd Picture with a Juvenile Dracorex
Picture credit: Safari Ltd/Everything Dinosaur
As well as re-sizing the model and placing it in the foreground to emphasise the impression of a much smaller animal, we have toned down the bright throat colouration. The assumption here is that only mature adult animals would have such striking colouration, an indication of their maturity and potential to breed. The horns and other skull ornamentation have also been removed from the model that we have tried to depict as a young Dracorex. It is very likely that such crest, bumps and horns were only present in fully grown individuals. It is a testament to the quality of the models made by Safari Ltd that with a few simple touches, a juvenile dinosaur can be depicted and added to this picture showing the Wild Safari Dinos Dracorex dinosaur model.
To view the range of Wild Safari Prehistoric World models and figures: Safari Ltd. Prehistoric Animal Models.
Whereas Dracorex was a recent discovery, you have to go back to the mid 1830s to start to unravel the Hylaeosaurus armatus/Polocanthus foxii puzzle. Both these armoured dinosaurs are known from fragmentary material, some of which has not been fully prepared. Much of the Hylaeosaurus material, for example, remains in storage at the London Natural History Museum in the original stone block, which has not been prepared properly to reveal the full extent of the fossil material. With Polacanthus foxii, no skull material has been found and the best preserved fossils ascribed to this species come from the back end of the animal. The majority of Hylaeosaurus material comes from the front end – there is not much material to compare directly between the two genera. In the 1970s and 1980s two separate studies proposed that these two animals were the same and that Polacanthus would be the junior synonym. However, more recent studies (Blows 1987) and Pereda-Suberbiola (1993) concluded that due to subtle differences in the layout of the body armour (dermal plates) and the arrangement of the shoulder bones, which are fused in a different way in some specimens of Polacanthus it was decided that these two creatures merited separate genera.