Trying to Trace the Dinosaur Family Tree – Summarising New Research
Dinosaur Evolution Poster – Tracing the Dinosaur Family Tree – A Tricky Business
Trying to organise Dinosauria into clades or family groups has kept many palaeontologists burning the midnight oil. Unfortunately, unlike extant animals; when it comes to organising the family tree of extinct animals such as dinosaurs, a new fossil find, or some new research into existing specimens can throw everything into confusion. It can be difficult trying to trace the dinosaur family tree.
What were once accepted relationships are often questioned and new fossils provide tantalising glimpses into the true nature of the relationship between different types of dinosaur.
The two great groups of dinosaurs are the saurischians (Lizard-hipped Dinosaurs) such as the sauropods and the theropods and the ornithischians (Bird-hipped Dinosaurs) examples being the ornithopods such as Iguanodon and the ceratopsians such as Triceratops.
The Dinosaur Family Tree
Much of the general classification was carried out in the late 19th century and this can lead to further problems. The Victorian scientists cannot be criticised for their enthusiasm and endeavour, they worked according to the principles and practices of the era and of course their technology was very limited. Often dinosaurs were grouped together and described using comparative anatomical measures, which is fine in itself, but we now have a lot more specimens to study. Even the names for the suborders can lead to false assumptions. For example, the ornithopods were so named as it was thought that the feet and footprints of these type of animals resembled birds. In contrast, the word theropod means “Beast Foot”. However, the common consensus amongst scientists today is that it is some of the theropods, specifically the maniraptorans such as Microraptor and Velociraptor which are closely related to true birds (Aves).
Knowledge About the Dinosauria
As our knowledge builds up of the 160-million-year-long fossil legacy left by the dinosaurs; a group so diverse that at one extreme tiny dinosaurs such as Micropachycephalosaurus could perch in the palm of your hand whilst others such as Seismosaurus could exceed 50 metres in length, scientists are still trying to classify these animals.
With thousands of different genera (and new ones being discovered all the time), it is quite difficult to piece dinosaur evolution together. You can get a good idea from one of our posters which attempts so show the inter-relationships between the main dinosaur family groups. The poster illustrates the complexity of the dinosaur family tree, as well as the diversity and it is certainly impressive to see so many different animals featured on one poster.
Dinosaur Evolution – See the Dinosaur Family Tree
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
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One interesting viewpoint put forward recently is to re-classify all dinosaurs using our understanding of their relationship to living creatures – the birds. Two main groups of dinosaurs would emerge but not “Lizard-hipped or Bird-hipped” as before but “Non-avian” and “Avian Dinosaurs”. If this classification was adopted it would make the dinosaur family tree look very different and the birds in your garden, penguins, pelicans, kiwis, in fact all birds would be basically classified as dinosaurs.