All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.

Reviews of Magazines and other dinosaur and prehistoric animal publications.

29 10, 2021

New Prehistoric Times Issue 139 Reviewed

By |2024-07-27T20:02:14+01:00October 29th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page, Prehistoric Times|0 Comments

The autumn edition of “Prehistoric Times” magazine has arrived (issue 139). It features a close-up view of the head of a Suchomimus, artwork created by the talented American palaeoartist Chuck Egnaczak on the front cover and inside Phil Hore profiles this enigmatic African spinosaurid.

Prehistoric Times magazine (issue 139)
The front cover of the next issue of “Prehistoric Times” magazine (issue 139) features a close-up view of the head of the spinosaurid Suchomimus. The artwork is by talented palaeoartist Chuck Egnaczak.

Drawing Feathers

Tracy Lee Ford has dedicated the next few installments of his “how to draw dinosaurs” feature on how to draw feathers and other fancy integumentary coverings associated with the Dinosauria. In part 1, he covers different feather types and explains the differences between them. This is a handy technical guide which will aid illustrators as well as providing assistance when it comes to deciphering scientific papers which focus on feathered theropods.

Archaeopteryx fossil cast

Archaeopteryx fossil cast. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Mike Howgate weighs in with not one, but two articles in this issue. He examines the fossil fish models created by 20th century model maker Vernon Edwards and in a separate piece, discusses the contribution of sculptor Alfred Lyndhurst Pocock who took up the reins for Gregory, Bottley and Co. after the sudden death of Edwards.

Jon Lavas continues his long-running series highlighting the work of the influential Czech artist Zdeněk Burian. In this issue the focus is on one of the most famous dinosaurs of all – Stegosaurus.

Stegosaurus stenops threatened by a pair of Antrodemus valens.
The classic depiction of a Late Jurassic scene by Burian (1950). In issue 139 (autumn/fall 2021), Jon Lavas looks at how Burian depicted Stegosaurus.

Remembering the Contribution to Palaeontology by José Bonaparte

José Bonaparte regarded as the “Father of Argentinian Palaeontology” passed away last year. His long and distinguished career is remembered in a special article written by CONICET staff members Agustin G. Martinelli and Analia M. Forasiepi. These two scientists along with colleague Guillermo W. Rougier (University of Louisville, Kentucky), contribute a second article looking at some of the early mammals of the Mesozoic.

José Bonaparte "El Maestro del Mesozoico".
José Bonaparte (1928-2020) the “father of Argentinian palaeontology”. A tribute is paid to his decades of work in the Earth Sciences in the latest edition of the magazine Picture credit: Télam.

Placodonts, Palaeontology News and Book Reviews

Issue 139 is crammed full of news, book reviews and features. There is more on the Marx collector models, editor Mike Fredericks provides an article and Randy Knol looks at new prehistoric animal model releases. Placodonts, specifically the bizarre Henodus are coverred by Phil Hore and look out for the article on the film “Quest for Fire”, which examines some of the perils of making films with prehistoric themes.

There is a lot to be admired in the latest issue of “Prehistoric Times”.

For more information and to subscribe to this magazine: “Prehistoric Times”.

25 09, 2021

New Prehistoric Times Magazine Issue 139

By |2024-07-02T22:20:32+01:00September 25th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Drawings, Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page|0 Comments

Time to take a sneak peek at the front cover of the forthcoming edition of the quarterly magazine “Prehistoric Times”. It features a close-up view of the head of the African spinosaurid Suchomimus on the front cover.

Team members at Everything Dinosaur are grateful to magazine editor Mike Fredericks for sending us an image of the front cover of the next edition (issue 139) of this popular magazine.

Prehistoric Times magazine (issue 139)
The front cover of the next issue of “Prehistoric Times” magazine (issue 139) features a close-up view of the head of the spinosaurid Suchomimus. Picture credit: Mike Fredericks.

Issue 139 (Fall/Autumn 2021)

As well as Phil Hore’s articles on Suchomimus and placodonts (Henodus), we can look forward to the next instalment of Jon Lavas’s long-running series highlighting the work of the influential Czech artist Zdeněk Burian. In issue 139, the focus will be on Burian’s illustrations of Stegosaurus.

Stegosaurus stenops threatened by a pair of Antrodemus valens.
The classic depiction of a Late Jurassic scene by Burian (1950). Everything Dinosaur team members wonder whether this iconic image of the armoured dinosaur Stegosaurus will feature in issue 139 (fall/autumn 2021)? Picture credit: Zdeněk Burian.

The front cover text hints at an article by the talented polymath Tracy Lee Ford on dinosaur feathers. At this time, team members at Everything Dinosaur do not know whether dinosaur feathers are the subject of his regular “how to draw dinosaurs” feature of if this is an especially commissioned piece focusing on the various integumentary coverings associated with the Dinosauria. The article is bound to be most informative and we look forward to issue 139 dropping through our letter box sometime in the next few weeks.

To learn more about “Prehistoric Times” magazine and to subscribe: “Prehistoric Times” magazine.

24 07, 2021

New Prehistoric Times Issue 138 Reviewed

By |2024-05-27T15:21:52+01:00July 24th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page, Prehistoric Times|0 Comments

The latest edition of “Prehistoric Times” magazine has arrived and once again it is jam-packed with fascinating features, informative articles and lots of amazing reader submitted artwork. The highly respected palaeoartist Mark Hallett has provided the front cover, a piece entitled “Venus of the Steppes” as it features a female Neanderthal and inside the magazine Mark provides an update on Neanderthal research and examines how our perception of our “close cousins” has changed.

"Prehistoric Times" magazine - summer 2021
The front cover of “Prehistoric Times” magazine edition 138 (summer 2021). The artwork is entitled “Venus of the Steppes”.

The in-depth article looks at how Neanderthals hunted, examines evidence of a “Neanderthal culture” in the form of art, ornaments and a belief in an afterlife. Mark also considers the cause of their extinction and reviews their legacy in terms of the genes that parts of the modern human (H. sapiens) population have inherited.

Chapelle aux Saints Neanderthal skull.
The famous Chapelle aux Saints Neanderthal skull.

Tenontosaurus and Plesiosaurus

The featured prehistoric animals in issue 132 are Tenontosaurus and Plesiosaurus. Phil Hore provides plenty of information and the articles include lots of reader submitted artwork. Stand outs for us when it comes to Tenontosaurus include Kurt Miller’s striking Tenontosaurus pair and Diane Ramic’s colourful geometric pastiche. When reading the Plesiosaurus feature, we admired the big-eyed plesiosaur illustration reminiscent of “Nessie” by Anders Bang and the silhouetted plesiosaurs and other Mesozoic marine life depicted by Jacob Micallef.

The talented Tracy Lee Ford focuses on Hypsilophodon (H. foxii) in his regular “How to Draw Dinosaurs” piece. As well as providing detailed views of skeletal anatomy including evidence of an “opposable toe”, he also demonstrates how Hypsilophodon has been depicted over the last 110 years or so, concluding his well-written article with a modern H. foxii life reconstruction.

Burian’s Ornithopods

John Lavas continues his long-running series on the remarkable career of the influential Czech artist Zdeněk Burian. The focus is on the Ornithopoda and some stunning images are reproduced including an illustration of Iguanodon (I. bernissartensis) that may have been the inspiration for how the movie monster “Godzilla” was depicted. In turn, Burian’s iguanodontid artwork may have been influenced by tales from African explorers of “elephant graveyards”.

Burian's Corythosaurus illustration.
An illustration of Corythosaurus casuarius by Burian. This artwork is featured in the series showcasing the career of the illustrious Czech artist.

The book “Locked in Time: Animal Behavior Unearthed in 50 Extraordinary Fossils” by chums of Everything Dinosaur Dean Lomax and Bob Nicholls is reviewed by editor Mike Fredericks in the “Mesozoic Media” section and look out for Randy Knol’s update on new prehistoric animal figures. Our thanks to Dr Andreas Forrer for the article recreating the Pleistocene of Germany in his article discussing the remarkable fossil finds associated with the Wipper Valley of Thuringia. The summer edition of “Prehistoric Times” is crammed with lots of interesting articles, features and illustrations.

To subscribe to “Prehistoric Times” magazine: Subscribe!

5 05, 2021

Latest Prehistoric Times Spring 2021 Reviewed

By |2024-05-26T09:05:58+01:00May 5th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page|0 Comments

The spring 2021 edition of “Prehistoric Times” magazine has arrived at Everything Dinosaur and team members have been busy perusing the pages, which as usual are jam-packed with amazing articles, fascinating features and lots of reader-submitted artwork. The front cover for issue 137 was provided by Glen McIntosh, an artist and animator who has worked on the “Jurassic Park” and “Jurassic World” film franchises.

The cover art features a Gorgosaurus battling an Einiosaurus and another awesome tyrannosaur, one that was contemporaneous with G. libratus – Daspletosaurus, is discussed by Phil Hore and palaeontologist Jordan C. Mallon who looks at this Late Cretaceous predator from the viewpoint of the Canadian Museum of Nature. There are some amazing Daspletosaurus drawings, the artwork by Aaron Natera, Cody Zaiser and Marcus Burkhardt are our personal favourites.

Prehistoric Times Front Cover Spring 2021
The front cover image of the latest “Prehistoric Times” magazine was created by Glen McIntosh. It features an Einiosaurus battling a Gorgosaurus.

Superb Sauropods

John Lavas continues to tell the story of the influential Czech artist Zdeněk Burian with the second part of his feature on the Sauropoda. The article includes some stunning Brontosaurus, Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus illustrations. A Cetiosaurus even makes an appearance.

The “Scowl” of Hypsilophodon

Tracy Lee Ford explains how the position of the palpebral (a small bony extension) in relation to the orbit (eye socket) of the ornithopod Hypsilophodon would have given this dinosaur a permanent scowl. He provides detailed drawings of the triangular-shaped skull and suggests how it should be fleshed out when creating a life reconstruction. There is even a mention of the iconic Neave Parker illustration of a tree-living hypsilophodont.

Hypsilophodon in a Tree
Hypsilophodon was once thought to have been arboreal. Tracy Lee Ford’s article provides information on how to illustrate this small ornithopod.

The UK’s Mike Howgate contributes two articles, the first detailing the work of naturalist Edward Kay Robinson to provide three-dimensional images of exhibits on display at the British Museum (now the Natural History Museum), at the beginning of the 20th century. The second, related article, looks at the commissioning of Cenozoic mammal models and the work of Vernon Edwards. These articles provide a sense of how museums have changed and how the exhibits within them have changed also.

Father and son team, Tony and James Pinto have been working on a television documentary entitled “Why Dinosaurs?”, it examines the public’s fascination for the Dinosauria, a challenging project even without the extra problems caused due to the global pandemic. Magazine editor Mike Fredericks provides book reviews including a new biography of Mary Anning “Dinosaur Lady: The Daring Discoveries of Mary Anning, the First Palaeontologist”, a title that emphasises how our fascination with dinosaurs seems to overshadow research into marine reptiles and the Pterosauria.

The “Paleonews” section covers a broad range of topics from how Parasaurolophus evolved fancy headgear, to titanosaur discoveries and agile Permian predators (Anteosaurus).

With new prehistoric animal model information and the ever-reliable Randy Knol providing insight on how gamers use models and replicas within their genre, there is certainly a lot to praise about this latest issue.

To learn more about “Prehistoric Times” magazine and to subscribe: Subscribe to “Prehistoric Times” Magazine.

13 04, 2021

Latest Prehistoric Times Magazine a Sneak Peek

By |2024-05-25T14:00:47+01:00April 13th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Drawings, Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page|1 Comment

Here is a sneaky peek at the forthcoming edition of “Prehistoric Times” magazine, the quarterly publication aimed at fans of prehistoric animals, model collecting and artwork depicting dinosaurs and other long extinct creatures. This stunning illustration of interspecific combat within the Dinosauria will adorn the front cover of issue 137 (spring 2021).

Prehistoric Times Front Cover Spring 2021
The front cover image of the forthcoming edition of “Prehistoric Times” magazine (issue number 137 – spring 2021)

“Prehistoric Times” Magazine

Editor Mike Fredericks, who sent Everything Dinosaur the front cover image says that issue 137 is going to be jam-packed with all the articles, artwork and features that makes this publication so popular.

Mike commented:

“We have an interview with Glen McIntosh one of the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World animators who is also a great artist who designed the Indominus rex, plus much more.”

With the latest instalment of the “Jurassic Park/Jurassic World” movie franchise due to hit cinemas shortly, the timing of this interview could not have been better.

Look out for a special feature on the Late Cretaceous North American tyrannosaur Daspletosaurus, an apex predator known from Montana and Alberta.

Drawing of Daspletosaurus.
Daspletosaurus – a large tyrannosaur present in the Late Cretaceous ecosystem of North America. Two species have been assigned to this genus, but possibly two more might be added in the near future as more scientific papers are published.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Subscribe to Prehistoric Times

Team members at Everything Dinosaur recommend that blog readers subscribe to “Prehistoric Times”. Published four times a year, this is a fantastic magazine for followers of palaeoart, collectors of dinosaur models and for the general reader with an interest in prehistoric life.

To subscribe to “Prehistoric Times” magazine: Subscribe to “Prehistoric Times” magazine.

The Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys.

29 01, 2021

New Prehistoric Times Issue 136 Reviewed

By |2024-05-18T17:36:42+01:00January 29th, 2021|Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page|0 Comments

Prehistoric Times Magazine Issue 136 (Winter 2021) Reviewed

Time to be cheered up by the arrival of the latest edition of “Prehistoric Times” magazine, the quarterly journal for fans of dinosaur models, prehistoric themed art and collectibles.

Adorning the front cover of issue 136 is a spectacular illustration of Deinonychus (D. antirrhopus) by the talented wildlife illustrator and palaeoartist Esther van Hulsen.   The close-up view of the snout of this theropod on the front cover gives the viewer the opportunity to appreciate the details that the artist adds to her illustrations.  Inside the magazine further evidence is provided with a series or artworks created by Esther van Hulsen imagining the life story of Ida the Darwinius (D. maxillae) from the Messel bituminous shales.

Can you spot the scratches on the muzzle of this theropod?

The Front Cover of “Prehistoric Times” Issue 136 – Deinonychus antirrhopus

"Prehistoric Times" magazine issue 136.

The front cover of “Prehistoric Times” magazine issue 136.

Picture credit: Mike Fredericks

The Forgotten Dinosaur Art of Robert T. Bakker

Some of the dynamic dinosaur illustrations of Dr Robert “Bob” Bakker, who was a student of Dr John Ostrom, who named and described Deinonychus, are also featured in this magazine.  Canadian palaeontologists Darren Tanke and Jordan Mallon provide an insightful guide to these influential artworks that challenged the long held assumption that the Dinosauria were slow and sluggish animals.  Randy Knol also demonstrates how our views about dinosaurs have changed by looking at some the latest models of Spinosaurus, a theropod that has been completely revised and is now regarded as a semi-aquatic predator.

The Limited-edition Papo Spinosaurus Model from 2019 Features in the Spinosaurus Model Review

Papo Spinosaurus (limited edition) in stock at Everything Dinosaur.

Everything Dinosaur stocks the limited edition Papo Spinosaurus dinosaur model.  This 2019 Papo dinosaur model is featured in an article that looks how Spinosaurus models have changed over time.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The picture (above) shows the limited-edition Papo Spinosaurus model.

To view the range of Papo prehistoric animal figures in stock: Papo Prehistoric Animal Figures.

The Sauropods

John Lavas continues an exploration of the work of Zdeněk Burian and focuses on his illustrations of sauropods.  The author frames the illustrations produced by the ground-breaking Czech artist by summarising the early research into these ground-shaking leviathans.  Burian painted a total of five sauropod genera and although the accepted view at the time was that these huge animals were semi-aquatic, Burian chose to depict the main subject of the artwork on terra firma.  The enabled him to reveal the shape of the dinosaur’s body more clearly.

Diplodocus carnegii by Zdeněk Burian (Depicting the Fauna and Flora of the Morrison Formation of the United States of America)

Diplodocus life reconstruction by Burian painted in 1952.

An illustration of Diplodocus (D. carnegii) by Burian.

Picture credit: Zdeněk Burian

Phil Hore provides the lowdown on the bizarre Longisquama complete with superb reader submitted drawings by Cody Zaiser, Mike Laudry  and Jeff Slack.  He also discusses the armoured dinosaur Sauropelta and this article features lots of amazing armoured dinosaur artwork too.

We were particularly impressed with the sleeping Sauropelta image submitted by Marcus Burkhardt.  Tracey Lee Ford chimes in, continuing the Thyreophora theme by looking at how to draw Ankylosaurus and if you wanted to know what Scottish scientist and writer Dougal Dixon did in lockdown to keep himself busy, then read the double page spread that starts on page 28.

Recent news stories featuring fossil discoveries are covered in the “Paleonews” section, look out for an update on the hunting strategy of Deinonychus and a stark revision of Dilophosaurus.  As always “Prehistoric Times” is crammed full of fascinating stories, artwork and features.

To subscribe to this quarterly magazine: Subscribe to Prehistoric Times.

22 12, 2020

The Latest Prehistoric Times Issue 136 Sneak Peek

By |2024-02-29T07:42:26+00:00December 22nd, 2020|Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page|1 Comment

Prehistoric Times Issue 136 Sneak Peek

The next cover of “Prehistoric Times”, the quarterly magazine for dinosaur fans and prehistoric animal model collectors, will feature a stunning illustration of the fearsome Deinonychus (D. antirrhopus).  This magnificent illustration of a deadly dromaeosaurid was created by the very talented Dutch artist Esther van Hulsen.

The Front Cover of the Forthcoming “Prehistoric Times” – Issue 136

"Prehistoric Times" magazine issue 136.
The front cover of “Prehistoric Times” magazine issue 136.  The beautiful illustration of a battle scarred Deinonychus (D. antirrhopus) was created by Esther van Hulsen.

Picture credit: Mike Fredericks

Esther van Hulsen

Esther does not focus solely on illustrating dinosaurs, although she has collaborated on a number of palaeontology projects.  She also illustrates living animals capturing their beauty in a variety of traditional media such as acrylics and water colours.

Inside issue 136, Esther discusses her work on a primitive primate.  The article will feature many more examples of her art.

John Lavas’s long-running biography of Zdenek Burian provides a segue linking one of the founding fathers of palaeoart to Esther, one of a new generation of exciting illustrators.  John Lavas focuses on Burian’s sauropods.

Phil Hore provides the low down on the low slung thyreophoran Sauropelta and tells the tale of the bizarre Longisquama (L. insignis) that was named and scientifically described fifty years ago.

Dinosaur Models

Scottish scientist and science writer Dougal Dixon explains all about the dinosaur models he has created during lockdown and Canada is represented by palaeontologists Darren Tanke and Jordan Mallon who discuss the early illustrations of the eminent and highly influential Robert Bakker.

Randy Knol highlights spinosaurs and the various models that have been produced to represent this unusual family of theropods, whilst fellow American Tracy Ford digs into the dermal armour of Ankylosaurus, with lots of beautiful, armoured dinosaur illustrations too.

For dinosaur models and figures: Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animal Models.

Relax with the Next Edition of “Prehistoric Times”

The first edition of "Prehistoric Times".
An early subscriber to “Prehistoric Times”.  The latest issue (136), will be sent out to subscribers in the near future.

Picture credit: © 2018 Studiocanal S.A.S. and The British Film Institute

“Prehistoric Times” Magazine

The next edition of “Prehistoric Times” examines the influence of the 1960 science-fiction film “Dinosaurus”, delves into dinosaur collectibles from Spain and Dave Bengel, a good friend of the editor Mike Fredericks, takes you through the building of a “Thunderbird” replica sculpted by Joe Laudati.

As always, the magazine will be jam-packed with news about fossil finds, new model introductions and lots and lots of reader submitted artwork.  Don’t forget to peruse the interview with Gary Gerani, who provides the inside story of the “Dinosaurs Attack!” trading card set.

Issue 136 of “Prehistoric Times” will be on its way to subscribers very soon, what a great way to kick-off the new year!

To subscribe to “Prehistoric Times”: Prehistoric Times for the Dinosaur Fan and Collector.

31 10, 2020

New Prehistoric Times Issue 135 Reviewed

By |2024-03-17T09:43:22+00:00October 31st, 2020|Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page|0 Comments

Prehistoric Times Issue 135 Reviewed

The latest edition of “Prehistoric Times” magazine has arrived at Everything Dinosaur’s offices.  The nights might be drawing in and we may all have a long, dark winter ahead but this magazine is a bright spot in otherwise difficult times.

“Prehistoric Times” Magazine

The front cover features an amazing illustration from Mark Hallett, an American artist whose work has graced many a front cover of this quarterly magazine.   His latest contribution features a cave bear defending her cub from a marauding sabre-toothed cat.  The famous palaeoartist created a model of the animal’s skeletons from which he first produced a pencil catch before finalising his artwork, which was painted specially for “Prehistoric Times”.

The Amazing Front Cover Artwork for Prehistoric Times Issue 135

Prehistoric Times magazine front cover (issue 135)
The front cover of “Prehistoric Times” magazine issue 135 (autumn 2020).

Picture credit: Mike Fredericks from artwork by Mark Hallett

Inside the magazine, readers will discover that Mark has penned two articles, a feature on Steppe lion extinction in Europe and a beautifully illustrated piece that discusses interactions between carnivores that shared caves during the Pleistocene Epoch.  The magazine also includes a special feature on the Dutch artist Esther van Hulsen, illustrated with plenty of examples of her work as a professional wildlife and palaeoartist.  Tracy Lee Ford sets out to inspire the next generation of illustrators with a well-crafted contribution that considers how to draw Ankylosaurus, readers can expect plenty of pointers when it comes to recreating scutes and dermal armour.

Zdeněk Burian – Theropods Part Two

Fans of earlier palaeoartists can sink their teeth into the second part of an exploration of theropod illustrations by John Lavas.  As well as documenting some of Burian’s famous artworks there is a helpful introduction that outlines the main components of the Theropoda.  It is thought that Burian was ambivalent towards illustrating tyrannosaurs.  Although much of his theropod illustration work undertaken is now considered outdated, Burian’s work was widely copied.

The Illustration of Tarbosaurus bataar by Burian (1970)

Tarbosaurus bataar by Burian (1970).
An illustration of the Asian tyrannosaur Tarbosaurus bataar (Burian 1970).

Picture credit: Zdeněk Burian

Gregory S. Paul contributes an article considering racism within palaeontology and regular writers Randy Knol and editor Mike Fredericks look at new models and review the latest books about prehistoric animals respectively.

Stegosaurus and Lystrosaurus

The autumn edition also includes special features on Stegosaurus and the hardy dicynodont Lystrosaurus.  Our congratulations to Marcus Burkhardt and Elvind Bovor for their Stegosaurus drawings and to John Sibbick and Chuck Egnaczak for their Lystrosaurus illustrations.  The prose for both articles was penned by the ever reliable Phil Hore.

A Tough, Hardy Survivor – Stegosaurus

Rebor Stegosaurus armatus "woodland" colour variant.
The stunning Stegosaurus “woodland” colour variant from Rebor. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The picture (above) highlights one of the Rebor Stegosaurus models (Garden – Woodland).

To view the range of Rebor figures: Rebor Models and Figures.

Issue 135 of “Prehistoric Times” Magazine

There is certainly much to be admired in this edition of “Prehistoric Times”, from the latest news related to palaeontology to a Smilodon model build inspired by the cinema (Bruce Horton) and an overview of the “Jurassic Park” inspired work of Ted Brothers.  This is an excellent magazine and a welcome addition to our autumn reading material.

To learn more about “Prehistoric Times” magazine and to subscribe: “Prehistoric Times” Magazine.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented that they were looking forward to reading this excellent magazine.

The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

10 10, 2020

New Prehistoric Times – Preview

By |2024-03-17T09:33:45+00:00October 10th, 2020|Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page, Photos, Prehistoric Times|0 Comments

Prehistoric Times – Preview

This might be a very strange and distressing year for many people (2020), we might be yearning for a sense of normality or normalcy as they say across the pond.  Mike Fredericks and his team responsible for “Prehistoric Times”, the quarterly magazine for prehistoric animal enthusiasts, palaeoartists and collectors of dinosaur figures and related merchandise have produced another amazing issue and it will soon be in the post.

“Prehistoric Times” Magazine

The artwork that adorns the front cover is a dramatic Pleistocene-inspired scene created by the extremely talented American palaeoartist Mark Hallet.  The artwork depicting a cave bear defending her calf, certainly has impact!

The Front Cover of “Prehistoric Times” Magazine (Issue 135)

Prehistoric Times magazine front cover (issue 135)
The front cover of “Prehistoric Times” magazine issue 135 (autumn 2020).

Picture credit: Mike Fredericks

Front Cover Artwork by Mark Hallett

Inspired by a previous generation of great artists such as Charles R. Knight, Mark has worked with a large number of prestigious publications, museums and other institutions including National Geographic, the Smithsonian and the American Museum of Natural History as well as working with the likes of Steven Spielberg on the Jurassic Park franchise.

A passionate supporter of conservation, Mark continues to create beautiful and dramatic artwork depicting prehistoric scenes and dioramas helping to excite and inspire the next generation of scientists by encouraging them develop a fascination for the natural world.  Inside this edition of the magazine readers will discover two articles penned by the Texas-based artist along with more examples of his exquisite artwork.

Stegosaurus is Featured

The autumn edition of “Prehistoric Times” (issue 135), also features an article written by the American researcher, illustrator and author Gregory S. Paul along with the second part of the perspective on theropod dinosaur artwork of the famous Czech artist Zdeněk Burian in a long-running series researched and written by John Lavas.  Stegosaurus is the featured dinosaur and look out for an article on that survivor of the Permian mass extinction, the herbivorous, heavily-built Lystrosaurus.   It’s great to see a member of the Dicynodontia showcased in the magazine.

Whilst waiting for the magazine to arrive, visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

In these troubling times, “Prehistoric Times” helps to bring together the prehistoric animal model collecting community.  We are looking forward to receiving the next issue, it should be with us very soon.

Want to subscribe to “Prehistoric Times”?   Click this link for more details: Subscribe to Prehistoric Times.

20 07, 2020

New “Prehistoric Times” Issue 134 Reviewed

By |2024-03-09T06:32:52+00:00July 20th, 2020|Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page, Photos|0 Comments

A Review of Prehistoric Times Magazine (Issue 134)

Summer is officially here at the Everything Dinosaur offices with the arrival of the summer edition of “Prehistoric Times”, issue number 134.  This is the magazine for dinosaur enthusiasts and fans of model collecting.  Published four times a year, “Prehistoric Times” provides a one-stop shop for all your prehistoric animal collecting needs.  Adorning the front cover is an illustration of Allosaurus by the highly influential Zdeněk Burian.  Inside the magazine John Lavas continues his comprehensive review of the famous Czech artist’s work, the summer edition starts the sequence of articles that will cover dinosaur illustrations produced by Burian and it is the theropods that take centre stage.

The Front Cover of Prehistoric Times (Summer 2020)

"Prehistoric Times" magazine, the front cover of issue 134.
The front cover of “Prehistoric Times” magazine (summer 2020).  Inside the magazine (page 11), the full illustration featuring a Stegosaurus is discussed.   This artwork was produced in 1950.

Picture credit: Mike Fredericks

Diplodocus and Kaprosuchus

Diplodocus and Kaprosuchus are featured and Phil Hore provides plenty of information including the story of “Dippy” the Diplodocus, not just the London Natural History Museum cast that occupied the famous Hintze hall from 1979 until 2017.

Reading the article was quite poignant for Everything Dinosaur team members, as they had been working with the Natural History Museum “Dippy” tour in the UK when the COVID-19 pandemic began to get really serious and such events were cancelled.  There are some wonderful Diplodocus themed illustrations included, look out for the skeleton reconstruction by John Sibbick and the “head on” view created by the talented Luis Rey.  There is a Diplodocus drawing submitted by Fabio Pastori and Mark Hallett, provides some illustrations too, along with an article discussing nostril placement in diplodocids.

Phil’s Kaprosuchus article includes plenty of “boar croc” artwork as well.   Cody Zaiser’s galloping crocodyliform is particularly impressive.

Kaprosuchus is One of the Featured Prehistoric Animals in Issue 134

Papo Kaprosuchus model.
Papo Kaprosuchus model, the pen provides scale. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The picture (above) shows a Papo Kaprosuchus model. To see the range of Papo prehistoric animal models available from Everything Dinosaur: Papo Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.

Collector Updates and Neanderthals

Randy Knol provides updates on some of the new releases, now expected towards the latter stages of 2020 (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) and his notes on the models include some cleverly composed photographs of the figures.  Dr Andreas Forrer provides a guided tour of three locations in his native Switzerland that were once inhabited by Neanderthals.  As well as featuring lots of stunning scenery, the article includes plenty of facts about our near cousins including some information on the author’s own genotype, complete with a trace of Homo neanderthalensis DNA.

There’s also a very well written feature on how to draw Lambeosaurines, specifically Corythosaurus, penned by Tracy Lee Ford.  Editor Mike Fredericks, now happily much better after having had a spell in hospital (a troublesome gall bladder), contributes with his regular “Collector’s Corner” and book reviews in “Mesozoic Media”.  If creepy crawlies give you the creeps, then it might be best to avoid John Tuttle’s article that documents some of the giant arthropods that once scuttled or buzzed around ancient ecosystems.

One of the Stunning Theropod Illustrations by Zdeněk Burian that Feature in the Magazine

Burian depicts a Triassic landscape.
Beautiful and evocative artwork from Burian (Coelophysis bauri and Eupelor durus).

Picture credit: Zdeněk Burian as featured in Prehistoric Times

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Subscribe to “Prehistoric Times” Magazine

Issue 134 (summer 2020), is packed full of fascinating articles, great artwork and well-written features.  Everything Dinosaur recommends this excellent magazine for dinosaur model fans.

For further information about Prehistoric Times and to subscribe: Prehistoric Times Magazine.

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