Sue from Everything Dinosaur narrates Everything Dinosaur’s latest YouTube short.  This video, which lasts a little under sixty seconds highlights the recently arrived Haolonggood prehistoric animal models.  She points out the new Diabloceratops figures, the Saichania and stegosaur armoured dinosaurs.  In addition, the Amargasaurus models get a mention.  The Haolonggood section of the Everything Dinosaur is shown.  Sue and her colleague Mike have checked to make sure that these exciting new dinosaur models are on-line.  By showing the boxes, collectors can get a good idea of the size of the various prehistoric animal figures.

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

The Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel is packed full of helpful and informative videos.  Furthermore, prehistoric animal models are reviewed as well.

Subscribe to Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube channel: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.

Haolonggood Prehistoric Animal Models

Collecting dinosaur models brings immense joy to enthusiasts of all ages. Each prehistoric animal figure sparks a sense of wonder as collectors marvel at the intricate details and museum-quality features. Most of the Haolonggood prehistoric animal models have the same declared scale – 1:35. This makes displaying them together easy.

To view the range of Haolonggood figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Haolonggood Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Figures.

New Haolonggood dinosaur models in stock (August 2024)

Thirteen new Haolonggood dinosaur models in stock at Everything Dinosaur. The brown boxes at the back of the group are the three new Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus figures.  There are regular deliveries of Haolonggood models and figures at Everything Dinosaur’s warehouse. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The thrill of discovering a rare piece or adding a new species to the collection generates excitement and anticipation. Sharing these treasures with fellow collectors and engaging in discussions about palaeontology and model collecting deepens the appreciation for these magnificent figures. Ultimately, each model tells a story, connecting collectors to the distant past and fuelling their passion for exploration and learning.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Models.