All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.
7 05, 2021

Nocturnal Dinosaurs Hunting in the Dark

By |2023-05-11T16:40:05+01:00May 7th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Key Stage 3/4, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

Scientists have proposed that the bizarre, chicken-sized alvarezsaurid Shuvuuia (S. deserti) had amazing eyesight and owl-like hearing, adaptations for a nocturnal hunter in its Late Cretaceous desert environment.

The Mongolian alvarezsaurid hunting at night
Shuvuuia deserti artist’s life reconstruction. Picture credit: Viktor Radermacher.

A Very Bizarre, Tiny Theropod

Named and described in 1998 from fossil material associated with the famous Djadochta Formation (Campanian faunal stage), Shuvuuia has been assigned to the Alvarezsauridae family of theropods. It may have been small (around 60 cm in length), but its skeleton shows a range of bizarre anatomical adaptations. It had long legs, a long tail, short but powerful forelimbs that ended in hands with greatly reduced, vestigial digits except for the thumb which was massive and had a large claw. The skull was very bird-like with disproportionately large orbits.

Photograph of fossilised Shuvuuia deserti skeleton.
Photograph of fossilised Shuvuuia deserti skeleton. Picture credit: Mick Ellison (American Museum of Natural History).

Writing in the academic journal “Science” a team of scientists led by Professor Jonah Choiniere (University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa), used sophisticated computerised tomography to examine the skull of Shuvuuia and to map this dinosaur’s sensory abilities, as part of a wider study into non-avian dinosaur sensory abilities.

Shuvuuia deserti fossil skull
Photograph of fossilised Shuvuuia deserti skull. Picture credit: Mick Ellison (American Museum of Natural History).

Nocturnal Dinosaurs

The international team of researchers used CT scanning and detailed measurements to collect data on the relative size of the eyes and inner ears of nearly 100 living bird and extinct dinosaur species. There are more than 10,000 species of bird (avian dinosaurs) alive today, but only a few have evolved sensory abilities that enable them to track and hunt prey at night. Owls are probably the best known, but not all owls are nocturnal.

Kiwis hunt at night using their long, sensitive beaks to probe in the leaf litter for worms, whilst another bird endemic to New Zealand, the large, flightless Kakapo (a member of the parrots – Order Psittaciformes), is also nocturnal. Other birds active at night include the globally widespread black-capped night heron and the Stone-curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) which is an occasional visitor to East Anglia in the UK.

To measure hearing ability, the team measured the length of the lagena, the organ that processes incoming sound information (known as the cochlea in mammals). The barn owl, which can hunt in complete darkness using hearing alone, has the proportionally longest lagena of any bird.

Barn owl skull CT scan showing lagena
Barn owl skull CT scan showing lagena. Picture credit: Jonah Choiniere/Wits University.

Assessing Vision

To examine vision, the team looked at the scleral ring, a series of bones surrounding the pupil, of each species. Like a camera lens, the larger the pupil can open, the more light can get in, enabling better vision at night. By measuring the diameter of the ring, the scientists could estimate how much light the eye can gather.

The researchers found that many carnivorous theropods such as large tyrannosaurs and the much smaller Dromaeosaurus had vision optimised for the daytime, and better-than-average hearing presumably to help them hunt.

However, Shuvuuia, had both extraordinary hearing and night vision. The extremely large lagena of this species is almost identical in relative size to today’s barn owl, suggesting that Shuvuuia could have been a nocturnal hunter. With many predators sharing its Late Cretaceous desert environment, a night-time existence may have proved to be an effective strategy to avoid the attentions of much larger theropods.

Side by side comparison of the lagena of a Barn owl and Shuvuuia deserti
Side by side comparison of the lagena of a Barn owl (left) and Shuvuuia deserti (right). Picture credit: Jonah Choiniere/Wits University.

Commenting on the significance of this discovery, joint first author of the scientific paper, Dr James Neenan exclaimed:

“As I was digitally reconstructing the Shuvuuia skull, I couldn’t believe the lagena size. I called Professor Choiniere to have a look. We both thought it might be a mistake, so I processed the other ear – only then did we realise what a cool discovery we had on our hands!”

Extremely Large Eyes

The eyes of Shuvuuia were also remarkable. Skull measurements suggest that this little dinosaur had some of the proportionally largest pupils yet measured in birds or dinosaurs, This suggests that they could likely see very well at night.

Professor Jonah Choiniere holding a 3D Print of a Shuvuuia lagena
Professor Jonah Choiniere holding a 3D printed model of the lagena of Shuvuuia deserti. Picture credit: Jonah Choiniere/Wits University.

The Alvarezsauridae remain one of the most unusual of all the types of non-avian dinosaur known to science. Their place within the ecosystems of the Late Cretaceous remains controversial. Geographically widespread, a recently described alvarezsaurid from China Qiupanykus zhangi may have been a specialised ovivore (egg-eater), whilst other palaeontologists have postulated that these theropods used their strong forelimbs and large thumb claws to break into termite mounds. Perhaps, these small (most probably feathered), dinosaurs occupied a number of niches within Late Cretaceous ecosystems – including that of a nocturnal hunter of small vertebrates and insects.

Shuvuuia deserti artist's reconstruction.
Shuvuuia deserti artist’s reconstruction. Picture credit: Viktor Radermacher.

To read Everything Dinosaur’s blog article about Qiupanykus zhangi and the evidence behind the egg-eating theory: Did Alvarezsaurids Eat Eggs?

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the University of Witwatersrand in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “Evolution of vision and hearing modalities in theropod dinosaurs” by Jonah N. Choiniere, James M. Neenan, Lars Schmitz, David P. Ford, Kimberley E. J. Chapelle, Amy M. Balanoff, Justin S. Sipla, Justin A. Georgi, Stig A. Walsh, Mark A. Norell, Xing Xu, James M. Clark and Roger B. J. Benson published in the journal Science.

For dinosaur models and prehistoric animal figures: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Figures.

6 05, 2021

New CollectA Brontosaurus Prey Model is Reviewed

By |2024-05-11T21:07:32+01:00May 6th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur Products, Main Page, Photos of Everything Dinosaur Products, Product Reviews|0 Comments

One of the new for 2021 CollectA prehistoric animal models in stock at Everything Dinosaur is the gory Brontosaurus prey figure. Everything Dinosaur takes a look at this fascinating dinosaur model. This replica of a dead Brontosaurus is the fourth carcass model to be introduced by CollectA in their not to scale Age of Dinosaurs Popular range. The Brontosaurus prey follows on from a dead Triceratops, a Stegosaurus carcass and a deceased feathered Tyrannosaurus rex.

New for 2021 the CollectA Brontosaurus prey.
The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Brontosaurus prey model. The wounds inflicted on the Brontosaurus reflect attack and feeding strategies that have been postulated for large theropod dinosaurs. The CollectA design team have researched extant carnivore feeding strategies and extrapolated them to apply to a sauropod carcass.

The Demise of a Sauropod

The carefully sculpted Brontosaurus prey figure shows evidence of a theropod dinosaur attack as well as feeding. There are deep wounds obvious on the tail, at the base of the neck and on the throat, which we deduce was probably the fatal bite. The exposed stomach cavity, the defleshed femur and damage immediately behind the left hind leg probably depict feeding traces.

CollectA Brontosaurus prey dinosaur model
The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Brontosaurus prey is an ideal figure for use in dinosaur dioramas.

An Ideal Figure for Dinosaur Dioramas

The CollectA Brontosaurus prey would certainly add a degree of visceral realism to any prehistoric animal scene that is being created by a model collector. It is an ideal figure for use in dinosaur dioramas. Team members have been asked to comment on the dislocated right front leg on this particularly gruesome dinosaur model.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur stated:

“The position of the right forelimb could have come about as a large theropod dinosaur such as an adult Allosaurus fragilis pulled at the limb in order to remove it from the corpse and carry it away so that this carnivore could feed in safety. Alternatively, the limb could have been dislocated as the bulky Brontosaurus collapsed as a result of the theropod attack.”

What Attacked the Brontosaurus?

As the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Brontosaurus prey measures around 25 cm in length, it could represent a sub-adult animal in a dinosaur diorama. If this is the case, then the range of suspects that could have attacked it is enlarged to some degree. As well as an Allosaurus, the attack could have been undertaken by a Ceratosaurus such as C. dentisulcatus or perhaps the unfortunate Brontosaurus was brought down by a megalosaur. The megalosaurid Torvosaurus tanneri is known from the Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation, it was one of the largest theropods described to date from the Late Jurassic of western North America.

We shall leave it to the imagination of our readers as to whether the Brontosaurus was brought down by a single animal or as the result of an attack by a hungry pack of theropods.

Whether the Brontosaurus was attacked and killed, or the figure represents dinosaurs scavenging a corpse, this is a fascinating and very welcome addition to the CollectA range of not to scale prehistoric animal models.

The CollectA Deluxe 1:40 scale Torvosaurus dinosaur model.
The CollectA Deluxe Torvosaurus dinosaur model was introduced in 2016. The Brontosaurus prey model could depict the aftermath of an attack by a Torvosaurus.

To purchase the CollectA Brontosaurus prey and the rest of the prehistoric animal figures in the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range: CollectA Prehistoric Life Models and Figures.

5 05, 2021

Latest Prehistoric Times Spring 2021 Reviewed

By |2024-05-02T12:15:54+01:00May 5th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Magazine Reviews, Main Page|0 Comments

The spring 2021 edition of “Prehistoric Times” magazine has arrived at Everything Dinosaur and team members have been busy perusing the pages, which as usual are jam-packed with amazing articles, fascinating features and lots of reader-submitted artwork. The front cover for issue 137 was provided by Glen McIntosh, an artist and animator who has worked on the “Jurassic Park” and “Jurassic World” film franchises.

The cover art features a Gorgosaurus battling an Einiosaurus and another awesome tyrannosaur, one that was contemporaneous with G. libratus – Daspletosaurus, is discussed by Phil Hore and palaeontologist Jordan C. Mallon who looks at this Late Cretaceous predator from the viewpoint of the Canadian Museum of Nature. There are some amazing Daspletosaurus drawings, the artwork by Aaron Natera, Cody Zaiser and Marcus Burkhardt are our personal favourites.

Prehistoric Times Front Cover Spring 2021
The front cover image of the latest “Prehistoric Times” magazine was created by Glen McIntosh. It features an Einiosaurus battling a Gorgosaurus.

Superb Sauropods

John Lavas continues to tell the story of the influential Czech artist Zdeněk Burian with the second part of his feature on the Sauropoda. The article includes some stunning Brontosaurus, Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus illustrations. A Cetiosaurus even makes an appearance.

Burian's famous Brachiosaurus brancai painting.
Giant Dinosaurs Dwelling in Swamps! The famous Burian Brachiosaurus painting which was completed in 1941.

The “Scowl” of Hypsilophodon

Tracy Lee Ford explains how the position of the palpebral (a small bony extension) in relation to the orbit (eye socket) of the ornithopod Hypsilophodon would have given this dinosaur a permanent scowl. He provides detailed drawings of the triangular-shaped skull and suggests how it should be fleshed out when creating a life reconstruction. There is even a mention of the iconic Neave Parker illustration of a tree-living hypsilophodont.

Hypsilophodon in a Tree
Hypsilophodon was once thought to have been arboreal. Tracy Lee Ford’s article provides information on how to illustrate this small ornithopod.

The UK’s Mike Howgate contributes two articles, the first detailing the work of naturalist Edward Kay Robinson to provide three-dimensional images of exhibits on display at the British Museum (now the Natural History Museum), at the beginning of the 20th century. The second, related article, looks at the commissioning of Cenozoic mammal models and the work of Vernon Edwards. These articles provide a sense of how museums have changed and how the exhibits within them have changed also.

Father and son team, Tony and James Pinto have been working on a television documentary entitled “Why Dinosaurs?”, it examines the public’s fascination for the Dinosauria, a challenging project even without the extra problems caused due to the global pandemic. Magazine editor Mike Fredericks provides book reviews including a new biography of Mary Anning “Dinosaur Lady: The Daring Discoveries of Mary Anning, the First Palaeontologist”, a title that emphasises how our fascination with dinosaurs seems to overshadow research into marine reptiles and the Pterosauria.

The “Paleonews” section covers a broad range of topics from how Parasaurolophus evolved fancy headgear, to titanosaur discoveries and agile Permian predators (Anteosaurus).

With new prehistoric animal model information and the ever-reliable Randy Knol providing insight on how gamers use models and replicas within their genre, there is certainly a lot to praise about this latest issue.

To learn more about “Prehistoric Times” magazine and to subscribe: Subscribe to “Prehistoric Times” Magazine.

4 05, 2021

The New CollectA Neovenator Scenting Prey is Reviewed

By |2024-05-11T21:07:58+01:00May 4th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur Products, Main Page, Photos of Everything Dinosaur Products, Product Reviews|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur team members have been so impressed with the first batch of new for 2021 CollectA prehistoric animal figures that they have decided to review them all. Today, it is the turn of the CollectA Neovenator scenting prey dinosaur model. This figure replaces an earlier version of the theropod Neovenator within the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range.

The CollectA Neovenator scenting prey dinosaur model
The new for 2021 CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Neovenator scenting prey.

Neovenator salerii

The CollectA Neovenator scenting prey has been beautifully painted. The light green tones contrast well with the striking darker green stripes that run from the nape of the neck right down to the model’s long tail. The tail makes up around 50% of the entire figure’s length. The body proportions of the Neovenator model reflect the graceful and lightweight nature of the dinosaur’s skeleton. Neovenator being regarded as relatively lightly built for a large predator with a gracile body plan. The grasping hands have been sculpted extremely well and the claws are skilfully painted. Their battleship grey colour matches the toe claws.

The pale underside provides a sharp contrast to the colouration on the flanks and the CollectA model has been given a row of small wattles that run down the neck. There is a row of similarly coloured spines that extend from the back of the skull to the tip of the tail. These spines are enlarged over the hips and immediately behind the head.

CollectA Neovenator Scenting Prey Dinosaur Model
The CollectA Neovenator scenting prey figure reflects a much more modern interpretation of this theropod dinosaur.

Features of the Skull

The figure is named “scenting prey” as an analysis of Neovenator cranial material published in 2017 revealed a substantial network of neurovascular canals in the upper jaw (premaxilla and maxilla) that were linked to the external surfaces of the bones in the jaw. The scientists concluded that this may have been a specialised tactile organ, enabling Neovenator to sense its environment through its jaw. These canals could have sensed jaw pressure, assisting this dinosaur to avoid bone when feeding, or this sensory organ could have played a role in intraspecies recognition and behaviour, or even assisted Neovenator in locating suitable nesting sites. The large nostrils suggest that this dinosaur had a powerful sense of smell. To read more about this research: The Sensitive Face of Neovenator.

Neovenator scenting prey
The elevated head of the CollectA Neovenator scenting prey model. The posture of the CollectA dinosaur model reflects the 2017 scientific paper that revealed a network of neurovascular canals linked to the premaxilla and the maxilla bones.

Taxonomic Position Uncertain

The taxonomic classification of Neovenator remains uncertain, despite nearly 70% of the fossil skeleton being known to science. When first described in 1996, it was thought to have affinities with the Allosauridae family. Subsequent studies have challenged this suggesting a placement within the carcharodontosaurids.

The elevated head shows lots of amazing detail. The dark green markings that run from the eye socket down to the bottom jaw and then up to the postorbital bone are in stark contrast to the bright yellow jaw tips and the yellow patch that surrounds the eye.

CollectA Neovenator scenting prey and the CollectA Brontosaurus Prey
The CollectA Neovenator dinosaur model has used its sensitive snout to detect a sauropod carcass (CollectA Brontosaurus prey model).

This is an exquisitely created dinosaur model and Everything Dinosaur highly recommends the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Neovenator scenting prey.

To view the CollectA Neovenator scenting prey figure and the rest of the models in the CollectA Prehistoric Life range: CollectA Prehistoric Life Models and Figures.

3 05, 2021

A Beautiful Rebor Gorilla Model on Display

By |2024-05-11T21:08:30+01:00May 3rd, 2021|Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur Products, Main Page, Photos of Everything Dinosaur Products, Product Reviews|0 Comments

On thanks to model maker and collector Hugh who sent into Everything Dinosaur a photograph of a diorama he had created that features the recently introduced Rebor Gorilla Z Alpha Male figure, a 1/11th scale figure of a mountain gorilla.

Rebor Gorilla figure on display
Model maker Hugh has given his Rebor Gorilla figure a well-proportioned display base. The plinth works well with the gorilla model and the dinosaur skull is an additional feature that provides a sense of scale to the cleverly composed piece.

Using a Display Base in Proportion to the Figure

Hugh, as an experienced model maker has chosen to display his figure on a square base. He has been careful not to get the display base out of proportion to the actual animal figure. This is a well-proportioned composition, with the plinth not detracting too much from the model. The placement of the model’s feet has been considered and the use of rocks to break up the topography with the small tussocks of grass adding interest.

Rebor Gorilla Model

The dinosaur skull at the feet of the gorilla adds a nice touch and provides a sense of scale to this cleverly composed piece.

Rebor Alpha Male Gorilla models.
The three Rebor Alpha Male Gorilla Z replicas Primal (left), Patriarch (centre) and Albino (right). Hugh opted to use the primal colour variant in his diorama.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“These 1:11 scale gorilla figures from Rebor have been beautifully crafted and they are ideal candidates for use in prehistoric scenes and dioramas”.

Three Different Gorilla Colour Variants to Choose From

Rebor has continued the trend of offering different colour variants with the recently introduced Gorilla Alpha Males. Three colour variants have been produced. There is “primal”, the brown coloured gorilla that was used by Hugh in his diorama, plus “patriarch” a black colour variant and an albino figure (albino).

The design team at Rebor have been heavily influenced by monster movies of yesteryear and as Hugh has demonstrated, these models provide plenty of scope for the imaginative, creative model maker when it comes to designing and producing attractive dioramas and prehistoric scenes.

The production run for these gorilla figures was limited and Everything Dinosaur team members are not sure whether these models will be made again once existing stocks have been sold.

To view the Rebor Gorilla Z Alpha Male figures in 1:11 scale and the rest of the models and replicas in the extensive Rebor range: Rebor Models and Figures.

2 05, 2021

CollectA Megalosaurus in Ambush Reviewed

By |2022-10-27T12:24:21+01:00May 2nd, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur Products, Main Page, Photos of Everything Dinosaur Products, Press Releases, Product Reviews|0 Comments

Megalosaurus was scientifically described way back in 1824 (Buckland), over the last 197 years, this dinosaur has had a number of makeovers. The lizard-like quadruped as depicted in the world-famous Crystal Palace dinosaur sculptures may be long gone, but its appearance is still debated. For example, did theropod dinosaurs have lips? The new CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Megalosaurus model provides collectors with a very modern interpretation of “Big Lizard”, lips are included along with a plume of bristles beginning at the back of the hips and running about a quarter of the tail’s length.

CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Megalosaurus in Ambush
The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Megalosaurus in ambush figure. The muted tones would have provided excellent camouflage for this Jurassic hunter.

CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Megalosaurus

Part of the extensive CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range, this new for 2021 Megalosaurus replica replaces an early CollectA Megalosaurus that was first introduced around eleven years ago. The “kangaroo posture” has gone, the hands are not pronated and the feet have been correctly proportioned.

The model is more scientifically accurate and it has been posed “mouth shut” a more natural pose than the previous figure with its large, open jaws revealing a set of beautiful but unrealistic white teeth.

CollectA Megalosaurus dinosaur model (circa 2010)
The original CollectA Megalosaurus that was introduced in 2010. This original Megalosaurus figure from CollectA has been replaced with a more scientifically accurate model.

Iconic Dinosaur

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“We think William Buckland, Richard Owen and indeed Robert Plot who first published a description of a Megalosaurus fossil bone back in 1676, would be most impressed with this figure. They probably would not recognise this interpretation. It reflects how far our understanding of the Dinosauria has changed.”

CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Megalosaurus in Ambush
The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Megalosaurus in Ambush dinosaur model. It looks like it has a smug expression on its face – a “Mona Lisa Megalosaurus”.

That Knowing Expression

The design team at CollectA have given their new Megalosaurus model lips. This is in line with some of the latest scientific thinking. As a result, our Megalosaurus in ambush has an intriguing expression on its carefully painted face. It’s as if it knows something we don’t!

Team members at Everything Dinosaur have nicknamed this dinosaur model “Mona Lisa Megalosaurus” – our tribute to the enigmatic look on this little figure.

Lips depicted on the new for 2021 CollectA Megalosaurus dinosaur model.
The new CollectA Megalosaurus has lips. Say hello to “Mona Lisa Megalosaurus”.

Skilfully Painted

Measuring around 16 cm in length, this is a skilfully painted model. The obvious counter shading on the previous model has gone, being replaced with more muted and subtle tones. The dark spots and stripes on the body and on the anterior portion of the muzzle contrast nicely with the underlying tan colouration.

The new CollectA Megalosaurus dinosaur model has been given a short row of bristles, a nod perhaps to megalosaur fossil material from Germany that reputedly showed evidence of an integumentary covering: Megalosaurs join the “Tufty” club.

To view the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Megalosaurus and the rest of the figures in the CollectA Prehistoric Life range: CollectA Prehistoric Life Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animal Models.

1 05, 2021

The Regional and Temporal Diversity of Mongolian Dromaeosaurids

By |2023-07-29T08:10:01+01:00May 1st, 2021|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

Earlier this year (January 2021), a new species of dromaeosaurid dinosaur was named and described from a partial skeleton excavated from deposits associated with the Barun Goyot Formation at Khulsan (Ömnögovi Province, Mongolia). The dinosaur, which was closely related to Velociraptor was named Shri devi. This little, fleet-footed carnivore was named after a female deity from Tibetan/Mongolian Buddhism.

Shri devi fossil material.
Pelvis and right hind limb of Shri devi IGM 100/980 after initial preparation whilst still in burlap jacket. Lateral view (top image) and ventral view (bottom view). Note scale bar = 5 cm.

Plotting the Regional Diversity of Dromaeosaurids

Although dromaeosaurid fossils are relatively rare, there have been several new dromaeosaur species described from this region of Asia in the last two decades. Shri devi is the first unequivocal dromaeosaurid taxon from the Late Cretaceous Barun Goyot Formation. Dating of the strata associated with these fossil finds has been problematical, but generally it is thought that the Djadochta Formation is the oldest, with the Barun Goyot Formation lying above it and the Nemegt Formation deemed the youngest formation of these three fossil bearing deposits.

Fossil Material Found in 1991

The Shri devi material consisting of a partially articulated skeleton including preserved right hind limb, elements from the left leg, the pelvis along with cervical, dorsal and caudal vertebrae from a single individual was discovered in 1991 by a joint expedition between the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and the American Museum of Natural History.

A scale drawing of Shri devi
Shri devi scale drawing. Although the skull is not known, it is thought that this dinosaur was closely related to Velociraptor and about the same size. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The drawing above was commissioned for use with the Beasts of the Mesozoic articulated range of dramaeosaurid figures.

To view this range: Beasts of the Mesozoic Figures.

Dromaeosaurids although specious were rare within these palaeoenvironments, as many species are known from just one or two specimens. The discovery of S. devi has helped palaeontologists to map the regional and temporal differences of dromaeosaurs from this part of Late Cretaceous Asia.

Different dromaeosaurids of Mongolia and Inner Mongolia
Map showing the geographical and temporal distribution of Late Cretaceous dromaeosaurids from Mongolia and Inner Mongolia. The different dromaeosaurid biota of the Barun Goyot Formation and the Tugrugin Member/Bayn Dzak Member of the Djadochta Formation.

When formally described (Turner et al), it was noted that the second toe, the one that possessed the enlarged sickle-like claw, was proportionately larger than that seen in similar sized dromaeosaurs such as Velociraptor mongoliensis. Shri devi could have had a slightly bigger second toe claw than Velociraptor.

Hind foot of Shri devi
The foot of IGM 100/980 still in its burlap jacket (prior to final preparation). The large sickle claw on the second toe can be seen. Although approximately the same size as the closely related Velociraptor mongoliensis, the second toe claw of Shri devi seems to have been slightly larger. Note scale bar 2 cm.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

30 04, 2021

Japan’s Second Hadrosaur (New Fossil Discovery)

By |2023-11-23T10:31:54+00:00April 30th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

Scientists from the Hokkaido University Museum in collaboration with colleagues from the Okayama University of Science have named a second hadrosaurid from the Late Cretaceous of Japan. Described from a partial skeleton, Yamatosaurus izanagii lived at the same time as the first duck-billed dinosaur named from Japan (Kamuysaurus japonicus), but these two dinosaurs probably did not co-exist, instead Kamuysaurus may have been restricted to more northern coastal environments whilst the newly described Yamatosaurus may have been confined to more southerly habitats.

Yamatosaurus izanagii Life Reconstruction with more Advance Forms of Duck-billed Dinosaur in the Background
Yamatosaurus izanagii life reconstruction (centre), with a Lambeosaurinae representative (right) and a representative of the Saurolophinae (left), the dentition and shoulder bones suggest that Yamatosaurus is a basal member of the Hadrosauridae family and its discovery supports the idea that hadrosaurs evolved in Asia. Picture Credit: Masato Hattori.

Did the Hadrosauridae Originate in Asia or North America?

The researchers, who included Yoshitsugu Kobayashi, Ryuji Takasaki and Anthony R. Fiorillo (who wrote the scientific paper describing Kamuysaurus in 2019), plus Katsuhiro Kubota (Hokkaido University Museum), conducted a phylogenetic analysis suggesting that Yamatosaurus was a primitive member of the hadrosaur family. Intriguingly, the team also undertook a biogeographical analysis (plotting age of ornithopod fossil finds against geographical location). They conclude that basal hadrosaurids were widely distributed in both Asia and Appalachia (the landmass representing eastern North America).

The CollectA Kamjysaurus (lateral view).
Individual scales on the flanks and along the tail can be made out and the skin folds add to the realism of the figure. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The picture (above) shows a Kamuysaurus model that is in the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range.

To view this range: CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Models.

In addition, the scientists postulate that the discovery of Yamatosaurus supports the theory that the sub-families of more derived duck-billed dinosaurs the Lambeosaurinae and the Saurolophinae originated in Asia and that towards the end of the Cretaceous, basal hadrosaurids such as Plesiohadros djadokhtaensis (Mongolia), Tanius sinensis (C‌hina) and Yamatosaurus (Japan) continued to thrive in eastern Asia but were extinct elsewhere.

Data Suggests an Asian Origin for Hadrosaurs
A biogeographical analysis indicates that the Hadrosauridae may have originated in Asia. The discovery of Yamatosaurus izanagii in Japan supports the idea of an Asian original for that line of ornithopods that evolved into hadrosaurs.

Discovered in Marine Sediments

Amateur fossil collector Mr. Shingo Kishimoto discovered the fossilised remains in 2004, whilst exploring exposures of the Kita-ama Formation on the island of Awaji (Hyogo Prefecture). The fossil material consists of a dentary (lower jawbone), along with the surangular, neck bones, bones from the tail, cervical ribs and a coracoid plus some isolated teeth.

Although hadrosaur fossils have been found in several locations in Japan (all four main islands – Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu), they are, with the exception of the Kamuysaurus material, highly fragmentary consisting of teeth, portions of the limbs and vertebrae, this is only the second time that a new genus of duck-billed dinosaur has been erected from Japanese fossils.

The stratum from which the Yamatosaurus material was collected consists of marine mudstones of approximately the same age (early Maastrichtian), as the sediments in which Kamuysaurus was found.

Various views of the right dentary of Yamatosaurus
Right dentary of Yamatosaurus izanagii gen. et sp. nov. in lateral (a), medial (b), dorsal (c), ventral (d), and anterior (e) views.

Unique Traits and Basal Characteristics

Study of the nearly complete right dentary helped the researchers to erect a new, basal hadrosaur genus. Unlike other hadrosaurs Yamatosaurus had just one functional tooth in several battery positions and no branched ridges on the chewing surfaces. This suggests that Yamatosaurus evolved to feed differently compared to other duck-billed dinosaurs.

Furthermore, the coracoid (that with the scapula would have formed the shoulder joint), shows traits linked to the movement away from a bipedal gait to becoming quadrupedal. This bone shows transitional characteristics that in later, more derived hadrosaurs, were more fully developed permitting these animals to become facultative bipeds (adopting a quadrupedal gait but able to run on their hind legs if required to do so).

To read Everything Dinosaur’s article from 2019 about the formal description of the first hadrosaur named from Japan (Kamuysaurus japonicus): Japan’s Greatest Fossil Dinosaur Gets a Name.

The scientific paper: “A new basal hadrosaurid (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the latest Cretaceous Kita-ama Formation in Japan implies the origin of hadrosaurids” by Yoshitsugu Kobayashi, Ryuji Takasaki, Katsuhiro Kubota and Anthony R. Fiorillo published in Scientific Reports.

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

29 04, 2021

T. rex Exhibition to Open in the UK

By |2022-10-27T12:34:53+01:00April 29th, 2021|Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Photos/Pictures of Fossils, Press Releases|0 Comments

Wollaton Hall Natural History Museum (Nottingham) is to play host to a T. rex exhibition that sets out to dispel some of the myths surrounding this apex Late Cretaceous predator. Thanks to the latest research and the discovery of a T. rex specimen in the Badlands of Montana in 2018, the exhibition depicts the “King of the Tyrant Lizards” as a real animal, a highly successful predator and possibly a social hunter too.

Wollaton Hall Natural History Museum T rex exhibition
A T. rex exhibition is coming to Wollaton Hall Natural History Museum in the summer of 2021.

“Titus: T. rex is King”

The exhibition entitled “Titus: T. rex is King” opens on Sunday 4th July 2021 and will run until August 2022, giving visitors the opportunity to view a real Tyrannosaurus rex specimen, the actual fossilised bones and teeth of arguably, the most famous dinosaur of all.

Digital and Immersive Displays

The fossilised remains of “Titus” – the nickname given to this particular specimen, will be revealed for the first time at Wollaton Hall, the venue that hosted the extremely successful “Dinosaurs of China” exhibition in 2017.

Visitors will have the opportunity to explore its life and environment using digital and interactive virtual media displays that tell the tale of the dinosaur’s discovery, subsequent excavation and the painstaking process of piecing together the life story of an iconic dinosaur.

Tyrannosaurus rex cast skeleton on display
Most museum exhibits are actually casts (replicas) of dinosaur fossil bones. This is a cast of BHI3033, the Tyrannosaurus rex specimen known as “Stan”.

A Rare Opportunity to See Actual T. rex Fossil Bones

The “Titus: T. rex is King” exhibition provides a rare opportunity to see real T. rex fossil bones up close. The media release sent to Everything Dinosaur states that this is the first real Tyrannosaurus rex fossil skeleton to be exhibited in England for over a century. We are not entirely sure how valid that claim is, as some of the original Barnum Brown T. rex fossils may have been on display at the British Museum (later the Natural History Museum), at some time over the last 100 years.

T. rex fossils have been exhibited in Scotland recently. In 2019, specimen number RGM 792.000, the Tyrannosaurus rex known as “Trix” was put on temporary display in Glasgow. Nevertheless, the Wollaton Hall exhibition all 4,000 square feet of it, will permit visitors to investigate and to try and solve some of the mysteries surrounding this fearsome dinosaur.

T. rex replica outside the Frankfurt museum.
A well-known Frankfurt landmark. The T. rex outside the Naturmuseum Senckenberg . Tyrannosaurus rex attracts attention wherever it goes. The T. rex exhibition that went to Scotland featured a specimen that was awaiting the building of a new gallery at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Leiden, Netherlands).

Feathers or Scales?

Commenting on the significance of “Titus: T. rex is King”, renowned palaeontologist Dr David Hone (Senior Lecturer in Zoology at Queen Mary, University of London) and member of the scientific team tasked with bringing “Titus” back to life stated:

“Visitors will be able to explore the world of Titus and take a closer look at his particular features – his crushing bite, incredible eyesight and keen sense of smell, air-filled bones, weight, size and speed. And then look more closely at his make-up of muscle and tissue, with 3D scans of his bones to examine and handle – and try to decide if in fact he was covered in scales or feathers or both.”

Rebor King T. rex Data Sheet
Tyrannosaurus rex has fascinated people since it was first scientifically described in 1905 (Osborn), visitors to Wollaton Hall from July 4th will have the rare chance to view actual T. rex fossil bones and to review some of the latest research on this iconic dinosaur.

Arts Council England Funding

The Arts Council England provided the initial funding of £250,000 to secure the exhibition for Nottingham and the UK, allowing Wollaton Hall Natural History Museum to assemble a unique, expert team of palaeontologists, conservationists, and digital display specialists to tell the story of T. rex and the ancient landscape of North America 66 million years ago.

Rachael Evans, Museums Development Manager at Nottingham City Museums explained:

“Coming face to face with an actual T. rex is an experience very few in the world can claim. Even in skeleton form, Titus’ power and presence is unmistakable – we have had to dedicate the largest room at Wollaton Hall just to him alone! Titus T. rex is King will take you on a truly unique journey discovering all there is to know about this dinosaur – the largest predator in its ecosystem. The sheer size and scale of the skeleton takes your breath away. It is a truly an amazing discovery and an absolute must-see.”

Tickets on Sale Now (April 2021)

Tickets for “TITUS T. REX IS KING” are on sale now, set at £12.00 for an adult, £8.00 for a child (under 16 years), students and concessions, £32.00 for a family ticket (2 adults and 2 children under 16 years) and under 3s and carers have no entry fees to pay. Booking fees and car parking charges apply. With COVID-19 safety measures in place, booking in advance is essential.

To book tickets and for more information, visit the website: Wollaton Hall “Titus: T. rex is King“.

28 04, 2021

The New CollectA Kamuysaurus is Reviewed

By |2024-05-11T21:09:08+01:00April 28th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur Products, Main Page, Photos of Everything Dinosaur Products, Product Reviews|0 Comments

The new for 2021 CollectA Kamuysaurus dinosaur model is in stock and what a wonderful addition it makes to the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range. It’s great to see CollectA introduce another hadrosaur replica, a replica of a dinosaur that was only formally named and described in 2019.

The new for 2021 CollectA Kamuysaurus dinosaur model
The new for 2021 CollectA Kamuysaurus dinosaur model continues the trend for CollectA to make replicas of the unique Japanese dinosaur biota. Kamuysaurus follows on from Fukuiraptor and Fukuisaurus that were introduced previously.

A Japanese Hadrosaur

Named and described based on a single, nearly complete specimen Kamuysaurus heralds from exposures of the Upper Cretaceous Hakobuchi Formation on Hokkaido. The dinosaur nicknamed the “Mukawa dragon” has been skilfully recreated by the design team at CollectA. The model possesses a small, straight nasal crest that extends to the top of the head, a feature remarked upon in the scientific paper when the rugose nature of the nasal and frontal bones was discussed. In contrast, the row of small spikes running from the back of the graceful neck to the very tip of the tail are speculative but they do not detract from the appearance of this replica.

The CollectA Kamjysaurus (lateral view).
Individual scales on the flanks and along the tail can be made out and the skin folds add to the realism of the figure.

Model Measurements

The CollectA Kamuysaurus measures 14 cm in length and it stands a fraction under 5.5 cm high. It is a relatively small model, but it has been beautifully painted and the individual scales on the well-sculpted flanks can be made out with the skin folds at the base of the tail adding realism.

The CollectA Kamuysaurus dinosaur model
The beautifully painted CollectA Kamuysaurus. A replica of a duck-billed dinosaur, known from one specimen discovered in marine sediments on the Japanese island of Hokkaido.

Japanese Dinosaurs

The flash of bright yellow leading from the orbit (eye socket) to the side of the animal’s beak contrasts with the more muted tones of the belly and flank which indicate counter shading. The dark stripes present on the limbs and along the neck, back and tail give the impression that this dinosaur would have been well camouflaged, a good defence against predators – although palaeontologists have yet to uncover any evidence to suggest the presence of large, terrestrial predators that shared the same palaeoenvironment.

CollectA Kamusaurus dinosaur model.
The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Kamuysaurus model. A replica of a hadrosaurid from the Late Cretaceous of Japan. This new for 2021 dinosaur model is in stock at Everything Dinosaur.

The introduction of the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Kamuysaurus continues the trend of CollectA adding models of Japanese dinosaurs into their product portfolio. In 2019, a model of Fukuiraptor (F. kitadaniensis) an Early Cretaceous predator known from the island of Honshu was introduced. Approximately twelve months later CollectA added a Deluxe 1:40 scale version of the contemporaneous Fukuisaurus (F. tetoriensis).

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur exclaimed:

“It’s great to see another hadrosaurid model added to the CollectA range, even better to have a dinosaur representing the unique biota associated with the Late Cretaceous of Japan”.

CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range Kamuysaurus dinosaur model.
The model has a row of small spines running from the back of the neck down to the tip of the long tail. These have been painted a magenta colour.

To purchase the new for 2021 CollectA Kamuysaurus and to see the rest of the range in the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range: CollectA Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.

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